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Jun 11th 2020
THREAD - Upcoming solar eclipse in Mrigashira Nakshatra and American protests.

Mrigashira nakshatra is all about searching and finding the truth. The symbolisation of nakshatra is related with Deer’s head and the major symbol is deer. The deer is always on search but fails 1/7 Image
to see that the things which he is searching around are already within itself. Moreover, deer is a gentle animal and therefore this nakshatra is a soft one. Though it is a soft nakshatra, but still the ruler ship of mars leads to aggressive patterns. Deer is always roaming 2/8
around in a forest and this causes restlessness. Therefore this nakshatra can make you feel uneasy and suffocated. So,it is important to channelize your mind on right path.Mrigashira nakshatra rules over roads and pathways. Thus, people can utilize the roads and pathways to 3/8
Read 8 tweets
May 30th 2020
1/Last night a Police station was taken over by protesters and demolished. The Police had to flee
Read 151 tweets

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