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Aug 15th 2022
Home price trends across 20 top housing markets. Pace of price increases moderating (left chart), which you can see in our underlying home price index flattening out or actually falling in a few markets (right chart). Start it off with #Atlanta.
#Austin home prices
#Boise home prices
Read 20 tweets
Jul 14th 2022
So far the drug market in July is SUPER rough, across the whole country and all classes of substances. Alerts are nested in this thread. #testit
One of the biggest things we're seeing nationwide is that MDA is being sold as MDMA with increasing regularity. MDA (sass) is dosed around 30-50 mg lower than MDMA. Taking too high of a dose of MDA or MDMA can increase your risk of overheating or electrolyte imbalance.
From #losangeles: Dipentylone sold as MDMA. Overamping (taking too much of) a cathinone - which are stimulants - may cause dangerous overheating. If you don't know you have it, you can't dose it, and we don't know the dose for dipentylone yet.
Read 16 tweets
May 9th 2022
April homebuilder survey results are here. Top themes: 1) Demand is slowing, namely entry-level due to payment shock. 2) Investors are pulling back. 3) Ripple effect of rising rates starting to hit move-up market. Market commentary to follow…
#Dallas builder: “Interest lists are shrinking or buyers are truly pausing.”
#Houston builder: “Many first-time buyers simply no longer qualify with the increase in interest rates, as their debt-to-income ratio gets out of whack.”
Read 29 tweets
Apr 3rd 2022

🕐En punto de las 6:00 hrs. de #CostaRica arrancará la segunda vuelta electoral en la que se elegirá la Presidencia.

Te invitamos a seguir todos los detalles en este hilo del #MonitoreoElecciones2022


🕐Comienza la segunda vuelta de las elecciones en #CostaRica en la que se elegirá Presidente para el período 2022-2026


🕕 La votación inicia a las 6 hrs y finaliza a las 18 hrs, en una jornada continua.

El horario de las JRV que se ubican en el extranjero varía según lo establezca el @TSECostaRica vía reglamento.

Read 124 tweets
Mar 19th 2022
Un hilo sobre #SanJosé...
En un capítulo de este libro, se analiza la particular devoción que monjas escritoras célebres -como #TeresaDeÁvila, #SorJuanaInésDeLaCruz y Sor Marcela de San Félix- le han dedicado a #SanJosé.
"Si las pinturas europeas nos presentan en ocasiones la figura de San José como un hombre anciano, las de América lo muestran generalmente joven; seguramente no cabía en la mente de las gentes que vivían en un nuevo y utópico mundo, pintarlo de otra manera".
Read 12 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
Monthly pulse of resale housing market still rapid according to 4,500 agents we just surveyed. Top 3 themes: 1) Bit of market normalizing. 2) Skittish sellers fearing nowhere to move. 3) End of travel ban boosting international buyers. Commentary across the country to follow…
#Houston resale agent: “A lot of people are not listing because they don't know where they are going next. Seems that many people listed too high even for a sellers' market, so I am seeing more price reductions now than earlier in the year.”
#Orlando resale agent: “Our buyer pool is increasing. We see more buyers from the north connecting with us as they plan to visit the area from the fourth quarter to the first quarter of next year.”
Read 25 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
THREAD: Vigils across America demanding action against #Pakistan for its inhuman treatment of Hindus & other minorities. The @chingariproject calls on all communities to join this movement to bring an end to abduction, forced conversion to Islam & rape of young girls in Pakistan.
Every day, in #Pakistan, 3 girls from the minority communities are kidnapped, forcibly converted and "married" off, often as 2nd and 3rd wives of Muslim men.
Many of these girls are as young as 12 and the men they are married off to, in their 30s and 40s. 2/n
Vigil participants in #Tampa #Florida, shared details of the atrocities committed on #Hindu, #Sikh and other minorities in #Pakistan. Many onlookers said that while they aware of Pakistan's toxic role in Afghanistan, few had heard about the crimes being committed within Pakistan.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 14th 2021
#BroadbandForAll is not only about online connectivity but it's also a job creator! It's a needed solution across sectors that impacts our health, education, jobs, and even remote family visits with elders. @CAGovernor @Rendon63rd @SenToniAtkins @NancySkinnerCA #BroadbandCantWait
In California, Gov. Newsom proposed $7B for broadband that the legislature should vote into action now to start closing the digital divide. We don't have time to waste anymore. #BroadbandForAll #CABudget #BroadbandCantWait @CAGovernor @Rendon63rd @SenToniAtkins @NancySkinnerCA
Sacramento set aside $7B to build high capacity broadband infrastructure for all, but might vote tomorrow to "think it over." CA's largest 5 foundations @calfund @TSFF @siliconvalleycf @sd_fdn @eastbaycf support entire investment w/out delay #BroadbandForAll #BroadbandCantWait
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May 19th 2021
Here's May mid-month home builder channel check I hinted at earlier. Builders are pushing prices w/little pushback, though some starting. Some builders are using price escalators & highest/best offer. Many limiting pre-sales, shifting to spec, & pricing home later in build cycle.
#Dallas builder: “Not selling build jobs in May, starting specs only, and not selling until drywall. Costs are too out of control for us to take the inflation risk on build jobs. So sales are way down.”
#SanAntonio builder: “Only selling specs at Sheetrock stage. Last month, it was frame stage.”
Read 28 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
Some interesting housing color from mid-April around the country home builder channel check. Bunch of market commentary to follow...will try to hit most top markets.
#SaltLakeCity home builder mid-April color: “Still have 10x buyers to available homes to buy. Went to 'highest/ best' offer system March 1st & offers over asking price are shocking. Most offers are 10+% over ask, that's after raised base prices $10K to $20K+ with each release.”
#Austin home builder mid-April color: “Super high demand. Volume controlled with release process, otherwise would be unbearable. Some price increases are $100K between releases.”
Read 28 tweets
Mar 23rd 2021
🔺 ¿Cómo se desarrolla la campaña de vacunación en #AlmiranteBrown? Hay 11 puntos en donde los vecinos y las vecinas del distrito reciben la vacuna contra el covid.

Te lo contamos en este hilo 👇🏾
Hasta el momento, se aplicaron cerca de 27 mil dosis. Los primeros puntos de vacunación fueron el hospital Lucio Meléndez de #Adrogué; el hospital Arturo Oñativia de #Calzada; el hospital José María Jorge de #Burzaco y la Unidad de Pronta Atención Nº5 de #Longchamps.
También los Centros Integradores Comunitarios (CIC) de #DonOrione y #Burzaco; el Centro Comunitario de #MalvinasArgentinas; la sede de Suteba en #Adrogué; la Sociedad de Fomento #SanJosé; la Sociedad Italiana de #Adrogué y distintos geriátricos a través del PAMI.
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Oct 7th 2020
**October 6th marked 6 months since MAX GLOBAL #lockdown**. That was achieved on April 6 when 76% of global cities had #traffic congestion down 40% y/y or more. Now, only 8% of cities have congestion down 40%. (see thread - 6mo mark)
Charts: Side-by-Side Comparison - Top 30 Global Cities Most Depressed #Traffic Congestion. April 6 (Max lockdown) % Oct 6. Apr 6 (left): smoothed shows cities Manila & Kuala Lumpur top 2. The US had 7 cities in top 30. #India had 4. Other cities included: #Wuhan #Paris #Istanbul
Oct 6: smoothed data (right) US has 2 of the 3 top cities: #Honolulu #SanJose. #TelAviv is top city most depressed traffic congestion. #China cities make list, but has to do w/ Golden Week holiday.#Melbourne #Australia on list - has been a recent coronavirus hotspot
Read 5 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
Esta semana el programa #AhoraGas estará en👇 ⁣

✅ Posadas: martes 23 de 9 a 12 hs. en la Ch. 181 (Av. Las Heras y Av. Urquiza) y de 13 a 16 hs. en la Ch. 17 (calle Mendoza y Calle 31 A)⁣
✅San José: miér 24 de 9 a 16 hs. en Av. Centenario y 9 de Julio.⁣ Image
✅Apóstoles: jueves 25 de junio de 9 a 12 hs. en el Parque Centenario, sobre Av. Malvinas y de 13 a 16 hs. en el Playón Deportivo del Barrio 110 Viviendas.⁣
✅Azara: viernes 26 de junio de 9 a 16 hs frente a la Municipalidad.⁣
No aflojemos con los cuidados de salud a la hora de salir de casa: barbijo, repelente y alcohol en gel o diluido para desinfectar nuestras manos. Entre todos nos cuidamos 😷❤️⁣

#ProgramasAhora #Misiones #Apóstoles #Azara #SanJose #Posadas #Gas #Garrafas #Beneficios
Read 3 tweets
May 31st 2020
JUST IN: City of #SanJose implementing a citywide curfew staring today from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. for the next 7 days in response to #GeorgeFloyd protests #ktvu
#SanJose Mayor Sam Liccardo: curfew is to “protect city, protect residents.” City knows of planned looting, curfew will help SJPD get ahead of it. #ktvu
#SanJose Mayor Sam Liccardo: Officer who was assaulted Friday during protests is at home, recovering. Commending SJPD for their restraint, resolve. #ktvu
Read 10 tweets
May 30th 2020
1/Last night a Police station was taken over by protesters and demolished. The Police had to flee
Read 151 tweets
May 28th 2020
Se o assassinato de #GeorgeFloyd lembrou o de #EricGarner, a resposta da população lembra a resposta à absolvição dos policiais que espancaram #RodneyKing em 1992, em Los Angeles. Mineápolis em convulsão social #minneapolisriots
Delegacia de polícia em Mineápolis...
Manifestantes queimando a bandeira dos Estados Unidos #GeorgeFloyd #minneapolisriots

Read 66 tweets
Mar 19th 2020
Hoy, día de #SanJosé, quiero acercaros un poco de arte, por si ayuda: un precioso boceto de #Goya que representa el tránsito de san José.

Vamos con un #HilodeArte: Image
Es un óleo que pintó en época temprana, en 1787, cuando ya trabajaba para la @rfabricatapices produciendo sus famosos cartones ("plantillas" para reproducir un cuadro en un tapiz) ImageImageImageImage
Representa la #muerte de san José, un episodio recogido en escritos apócrifos y revelaciones (venerable Madre María de Jesús de Ágreda, beata Ana Catalina Emmerick). Es decir, una escena que NO aparece en la #Biblia canónica.
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Mar 19th 2020
Hoy, San José.

En tiempos del #COVID2019 vaya esta oración para que intercedas ante tu Hijo. #saintStories #HilodesanJosé #SanJosé
Tú que protegiste de los peligros a María y a Jesús, protégenos a nosotros y a nuestras familias de este mal que nos acecha.
Tú que no entendías el plan de Dios para tu vida, ayúdanos a comprender el porqué de esta situación y a aprender de ella.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 2nd 2019
Hablemos de un tesoro escondido al sur de #Madrid. De fuego, de oro y de columnas salomónicas. Hablemos del retablo mayor de la iglesia más antigua de #Fuenlabrada ⤵️ #HilodeArte ImageImage
¿Cómo de antigua? Pues…
... el archivo parroquial sufrió un #incendio, así que la fecha de construcción es una incógnita. La primera referencia es de 1427. Lo más antiguo conservado, del siglo XVI, son el ábside y los contrafuertes.
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Aug 16th 2019
One in Billion ... Strategic Think Tank ... - This is JB.
#Public #Health vs #Policy vs #Sustainability

Quit #India ... !!! Indians are precisely doing that ...

#Surat #Ahmedabad #Vadodra #Gujarat Image

#Surat #Ahmedabad #Vadodra #Gujarat #SanJose #NewYork #NewJersey #LA #Chicago #Houston #Texas #Boston #Atlanta

#JAYUNOMICS: #Reality_vs_Publicity ImageImage
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Jun 12th 2019
Last night -- took 4 hours to find my airbnb, which I was locked out of; another 2 he til I got in (at 5:30a)

This morning -- locked in the cement basement for an hour w no signal

... San Jose hates me, your honor, and that's why I'm late for author signing @velocityconf 😩
let's not even get into last night, where I ended up in a hotel where I picked up my keys from a bulletproof glass window facing the street, and high tailed it home at 3 am after realizing my neighbor was... entertaining visitors, and her pimp outside kept calling to me #sanjose
(that's not even why I went home, actually... went home because there was no AC, and heeeeell no)

Anyway, my book signing will be during my ask the experts session. It's better this way. I'll have some unicorn cover stickers here by then. #VelocityConf
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Mar 19th 2019
Ayer, víspera de #SanJosé y del #DíaDelPadre dimos sepultura al mío. Estos días próximos a su muerte he reflexionado mucho sobre la paternidad, sobre qué significa tener un padre y qué significa serlo. Así que no es este un hilo triste, es el #HiloDeMiPadre #FelizDíaDelPadre
Lo primero que tengo que decir es que mi padre nunca se arrogó la paternidad, nunca me hizo creer que yo era de su “propiedad”
Nunca me hizo sentir, como Mufasa a Simba, que yo era “SU hijo” y que por tanto tenía que dar la talla o, ahora que ha muerto, honrar su memoria.
Read 49 tweets
Jan 26th 2019
Gracias @MonicaArayaTica por inspirarnos con la flotilla de buses eléctricos de Santiago de Chile. Ojalá en #SanJosé podamos tener aire limpio considerando que de los cerca de 4 mil buses que operan en el país la mitad (2 mil!) entran a Chepe.

Los habitantes de San José sufrimos desproporcionadamente de la mala calidad del aire con 70-80% por encima de las partículas tóxicas permitidas donde están los 4 hospitales más importantes del país: Calderón Guardia, San Juan De Dios, Nacional de Niños y México Costa Rica.
Buses eléctricos, sectorización e intermodalidad urgen para la salud de todos y en particular para las personas más vulnerables (niños, niñas, adultos mayores y personas con problemas respiratorios)

¡Sí podemos!
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Jan 18th 2019
Sino queremos que pase esto... Image
podemos hacer más segura la experiencia de lxs usuarixs y ayudar a enverdecer y embellecer la ciudad... (Vancouver) Image
O hacerlo aún mejor que esto (Copenhage) con nuestros @arbolesmagicos ticos apoyando la captura de carbono, la reducción del efecto isla calor y dar sombra a nuestras ciudades tropicales. Image
Read 4 tweets

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