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Jul 6th 2022
"I never check Google Analytics because reports are always wrong - most of my sales are shown as DIRECT or REFERRAL, and it doesn't help me."

This thread is for you if you are a #Shopify merchant who lost faith in Google Analytics' credibility on your sales data.
The basics of #traffic

Understanding where your traffic comes from will help you make sense of your organic traffic and the outcomes of your marketing efforts. Here are the two common traffic #attributions that, if not configured correctly, might mess up your sales data.
Direct traffic: Users enter your shop by typing your URL into a browser.

Common DT problems:
-The cross-domain tracking is not set correctly.
-Unnecessary #redirections
-Not having proper #UTM parameters on your Facebook Ads.
-The #GA4 pixel is installed on your website twice.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 13th 2022
Your #website gets traffic; it is wonderful. But do you know how you achieved and can continue to do it?

To improve your process and #maximize your success, you need to know to use the #data. 📈
#UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) is the perfect solution for digitally-driven businesses that need reliable information about their site traffic. 🙌

It allows you to measure your traffic #data specifically. But how?
First, you need to create your UTM links. You can read here how to do it. 👇
Read 6 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
Are you having trouble with creating #UTM links? You can use the ''Campaign URL Builder'' website. It is free and useful. 🙌

Let's check this out together in 5 minutes!…

For the "website URL" field, use the link of the page which you will track its performance.

The "campaign ID" field represents specific #ad campaigns.
Which platform provides you traffic and directs people to your link? It is your "campaign source."

For example, #Google, #Slack announcement, or partner's weekly newsletter. 🤜🤛
Read 9 tweets

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