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Aug 21st 2022
Iranians have launched an online campaign calling on the U.S. government to not issue a visa for #Iran's regime President Ebrahim Raisi as he intends to attend next month's UN General Assembly in New York.
#Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi is a mass murderer who played a direct role in Iran's summer #1988Massacre of political prisoners.
Raisi wants to address the UN General Assembly.
The UN is no place for mass murderers.
#Iran's people know Raisi as for his role in the summer #1988Massacre when over 30,000 political prisoners were executed in a few months.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 1st 2021…

Why would @MPSHaringey call a grieving mother who knows what this mother is going through to feel it was the right time to call Toni aka Ruth Lovell @garymason479 to talk about @InquiryCSA?

But what's more worrying here @GREATBritain
that not one single person including @VictimsComm aka @VeraBaird who is ex @metpoliceuk @Jon_wedger who is ex #cid , @MaggieOliverUK also ex @MetTaskforce who have never shown concerns in how the affects on Tonis #MentalHealthMatters after @INQUEST_ORG @DebatINQUEST and
@SteveReedMP focusing on how @BlackMentalMat1 who can stand back as if no one else can see how they have ignored 6 and a half years of what is their main duty of care to people like Toni and not to watch @VictimRightsLaw block the very #victimsofterrorism , this has to all
Read 4 tweets

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