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Apr 20th 2023
Weather Modification part 1

Source: Jonah Longoria on YouTube.

Weather Modification part 2

Source: Jonah Longoria on YouTube.

Read 4 tweets
Jan 14th 2023
These people that are looting our countries for all we've got are playing us for complete fools with their MSM and propaganda videos. They are killing nature and people with #chemtrails, #radiation, #wars, #weatherwarfare, #geoengineering, #bioengineering, 'health measures'
and they are frying the atmosphere with #HAARP, possibly having damaged it already. It is a vast network of people which appears to have lost all resemblance with ordinary human beings when it comes to behaviour and emotions. They appear to be thriving on committing war crimes
and genocide, over and over again, killing millions of people, destroying millions of homes and causing devastating destruction and economical loss in numerous countries. Mankind can not survive these actions much longer. They are already trying to alter human genetics under the
Read 5 tweets
May 13th 2021
New Concept Weapons #NCW
Directed Energy #Weapons #DEW
Force multiplier
New sword
Invisible card
People’s Liberation Army #PLA
PLA Strategic Support Force #PLASSF
new #technology testing
Disruptive #technologies
#Space Engineering University
#Chinese academic and military
Force multiplier

Intelligent network and electromagnetic spectrum attack and defense weapons

“Computer chip virus” weapon

New-type psychological intervention/warfare weapons
noise intervention
holography display

Nanosatellites for intelligence collection

Read 5 tweets
Nov 27th 2020
Just marking my observations here. Careful read.

A few days ago, there was severe weather warning in the pacific region about huge water swell in the ocean.

Later there was warning of #NivarCyclone in the NE Indian Ocean, and Nivar swept across as predicted.
Over the last couple of days, over 120 whales and dolphins stranded on some New Zealand islands dead. Many had wounds as if from a blast.

Who did the underwater explosion if any, in deep ocean, what was the test?
In 2004, my husband and I were at the Marina beach in Madras on the eve of Tsunami. We saw a red Sumo circling around the beach and a group of people surveying the area.

We felt suspicious and alerted the Police.

Who were they? What were they doing hours before the Tsunami?
Read 7 tweets
May 20th 2019
Military caught in the act of #weatherWarfare proof proof and more proof. Please watch this short video I made
proving beyond a shadow of a doubt our weather
is being manipulated
controlled and causing havoc on the USA.#SilentWeaponsForQuietWars @SandyRiosTweet @BrianKempGA
Guys I'm not here to make friends although friends are good. I'm here to speak the truth to wake the masses to do something about this madness listen the same thing is happening right here today in Georgia we have no clouds they're heating the Nano particulates making it hot
There are people dying homes being destroyed Farmland being destroyed crops Farmers can't even get there seeds in the dirt 4 repeated flooding. Is this okay with you? Are you going to sit on the sidelines and keep your mouth shut? If so please don't follow me. Wake up and speakup
Read 7 tweets

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