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Aug 19th 2021
Can we say that what is happening in #Afghanistan is the #EndOfAnEra? Yes, in many different ways... (thread) >
First, it's the end of this 20-year era in US/world politics bracketed by 2 searing, much-photographed incidents that each involved (a) airplanes & (b) desperate people falling out of the sky. >
So we can say it's the end of this era of the US's attempt to invade & then completely control/remake #Afghanistan. Many Americans (solipsistic, as usual) compare this solely to #Vietnam1975. However, >
Read 24 tweets
Nov 3rd 2019
As if music composition only happened in the Western world. Let's just call it the #WesternWorldComposerCup or maybe the #WorldColonialComposerCup to reflect that the options are composers in Western/European styles of music. #ComposerWorldCup #Colonialism #WesternImperialism
My picks for an actual #ComposerWorldCup include include, but not be limited to:

Kassia, Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Ki Narto Sabdo, Khosrovidukht Goghtnatsi, Montri Tramoj, Tanburi Cemil Bey, Tang Xianzu.

Ask me another day, and I'd choose differently.
Maybe ask yourself, does the #ComposerWorldCup reflect the composition (much less, the actual freakin' World) if it doesn't include things like, well, compositional styles/traditions from around the world?
Read 3 tweets

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