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Mar 16th 2020
Katanya data pasien tdk boleh ditampilkan ke publik? Apakah selebrasi ini terlalu dini mmpertontonkan kasih hadiah utk pasien sembuh di saat penyebaran sdg menuju peak nya. Blm apa2 sdh klaim kisah sukses. @tvOneNews
Masy tidak perlu panik dg Corona, tapi di @tvOneNews @KemenkesRI mmpertontonkan pasien sembuh dikasih hadiah dr @jokowi seakan2 spt selebrasi org yg baru sembuh penyakit kanker saja.. padhl tingkat kematian msh tinggi di atas 4%.
Skrg kalian baru diskusi #LockDownRI yg bakal makan waktu sementara #pandemiCovid19 terus menyebar. Jika @jokowi & @KemenkesRI sejak awal antisipasi mestinya sejak #WuhanLockDown sdh disiapkan skenario LD. LD dipakai atau tdk itu urusan nanti. Tp setidaknya tdk gagap spt skrg.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 9th 2020
【Golpes de Relámpago del Equipo de Escavación 2020】

Lab P4 se refiere a:

Laboratorio Nacional de Bioseguridad, Wuhan (LNB) - Instituto de Virologia de Wuhan, de la Academia de Ciencias de China (ACC).

Hecho por @DTinLAX

@DTinLAX Los siguientes tweets que descubrimos no solo conciernen información no publicada, además documentos internos del Instituto de virologia de Wuhan!

Estén Atentos!!!
@DTinLAX 2/LabP4:

El laboratorio P4 está construido por el gobierno municipal de la ciudad de Wuhan en 31 de enero de 2015, el cual está instalado dentro del parque Zhengdian, que es el Instituto de Virologiade Wuhan perteneciente a la ACC, ...

Read 173 tweets
Jan 24th 2020
🔥China is going to have to build 10 more hospitals to be prepared for #coronoavirus - and they know it. They know how bad this is going to get and that is why they have initiated the #WuhanLockDown🔥
😷 During the SARS breakout people were not literally falling to the ground... this is some disturbing footage...
Read 21 tweets
Jan 24th 2020
— Greed or Underresourced?

In #Wuhan, people are seen *recycling & collecting* USED face masks..

God bless EVERYONE 😷

#WuhanPneumonia #coronarovirus
#China #ChinaVirus #WuhanLockDown
👩🏻 taking this vdo “Don’t do that (stocking #used masks) or you must #resell them!”

👨🏽replied “we are not #selling them,” while busy hiding boxes of #masks.

👩🏻 “I’m calling the #police! I’ll call 110”

#recycling for sale? Collect for disposal? Your call.
#ChinaVirus #wuhan
🦠Photos go viral in #China’s social media Weibo, showing the “creative” personal #protective equipments like face shields & #masks being #DIY by medical practitioners in Kunming 🇨🇳

Alarming to see the #shortage of medical resources.
#新型肺炎 #WuhanPneumonia ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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