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Mar 5, 2019, 7 tweets

#Niger refugees ask justice
One of the poorest countries in the world has accepted to host temporarily refugees evacuated from #Libya while while EU countries process their asylum cases. Refugees from #Eritrea #Somalia #Sudan & #Ethiopia have been waiting for more than 1 year now

#Niger Today in #Niamey, hundreds refugees decided to protest to ask for justice and support. "We left our country to find peace and freedom, but we never get durable solution by the UN @Refugees agency. Why EU resettlement promises are not respected?"

⬇ ⬇ Refugees in #Niger prepared this letter asking for solutions. Men, women and children who have survived from Libya are now kept in limbo without being able to start their lives. Why EU countries like #France, #Germany or #Sweden are not respecting their agreement?

#Niamey While #Refugees tried to reach the American and French embassies to deliver their call, National Police of Niger dispersed protesters with tear gas.

Info from #Niamey confirmed that among the group who was protesting today, there are 4 refugees, under the UN @Refugees agency, who are now at Yantala police station.

@Refugees The Niger State Police has arrested 4 refugees, including 2 ladies (one under 18) and 2 men. They are now detained at Yantala police station. Is UN @Refugees agency in #Niamey following?

In #Niger, among the asylum seekers waiting for relocation, there are 152 unaccompanied children. #Belgium #Canada, #Finland #France #Germany #Italy #Malta #Netherlands, #Norway #Sweden #Switzerland & #UK have committed for relocation. Why they are not respecting the agreement?

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