Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Apr 24, 2021, 9 tweets

The Nile Basin & Arabian Peninsula near sunset 24/4. A line of storms extends from Sana'aa Yemen to the Jordan Border, a distance of 1777 kms.
Clouds cover large portions of Sudan and run along the north red-sea coast from Port Sudan to the Horn.

Region rain forecasts follow.

First an image of accumulated rainfall across the wider North African region showing all the West Africa Monsoon, the engine for life this region earth's cradle for biodiversity, including for humanity.

In the South East Cyclone Jobo is making landfall right now in Tanzania. /2

The are of rain bearing clouds accompanying Jobo will have a significant impact over the coming 10 days.

The latest 10-Day accumulated rain forecasts from the ECMWF, GFS and KMA forecast models are below. They are in agreement. /3

Today's forecasts for Middle East #ArabianStorms will be accompanied by live imagery from the ground today, curated by @Arab_Storms. /4

10 day accumulated rain forecasts for the #MiddleEast from the GFS, CMC, KMA and GEFS weather models.


#KSA #Yemen #Oman #Levant #Jordan #Sudan #UAE #Iraq #Iran #Syria #Kuwait #GERD #Africa #NileBasin #HornOfAfrica #DesertRain

الله أعلم

3 day accumulated rain forecasts for the #MiddleEast from the GFS, CMC, KMA and GEFS weather models.


#KSA #Yemen #Jordan #Sudan #Iran #Syria #GERD #Sudan #DesertRain #Makkah

الله أعلم

It is clear from the three day forecasts in the previous tweet that the level of confidence/risk of a significant dangerous weather event, and the level of uncertainty around it is large.

Out second live report Taif #KSA, from @Arab_Storms:

And finally, ultra long-range accumulated rain forecasts for the #MiddleEast from the GFS, GEFS (16 day) and KMA (12) weather models.

#ArabianStorms #Ramadan

#Levant #Jordan #Syria #KSA #Yemen #Oman #UAE #Qatar #Kuwait #Sudan #Eqypt #Iraq #Iran #GERD #DesertRain

الله أعلم

& A P.S. Request:

Here's another eye-witness report of rain activity from @Arab_Storms.

It would be great to be able to also illustrate these Nile forecasts with recent images, photos or video.

So Ethiopia/Sudan, please DM or @me your storms.

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