Long Covid Kids / longcovidkids@bsky.social Profile picture
UK-based international charity supporting & advocating for children & young people with #LongCovid & related conditions. https://t.co/QjkCJVG3tI

Apr 25, 2021, 17 tweets

1) Welcome to all our new followers 🤗
#LongCovidKids runs on goodwill and support, so thank you for being here. #gratitude
What does LCK do though? If you are new, you might be wondering, so we thought we would a tweet thread might help!
We started ⬇️

2) This brought lots of #longcovidkids families to our door, so we set up a place to connect & now support over 2000 families all facing the same challenges. Since December we have been welcoming about 100 families, often with multiple #longcovid kids.

3) We realised #longcovidkids was different to #longcovid so we set up the #LongCovidKidsStudy with @PeopleWithApp to learn more & support researchers & Drs.
Download the app to get involved & select Long Covid Kids to be involved.

4) Hearing & experiencing the daily struggles of families experiencing disbelief, finding their #longcovidkids symptom concerns were minimised & ignored we started sharing members stories to raise awareness. @DailyMailUK were the 1st to help us.


5) As LCK featured in multiple articles we have experienced an increase in trolls, doubters, and deniers, as well as enquiries. We now answer about 30 emails a day....yes, we are all volunteers.
So we set up a website to give more info on #longcovidkids

6) It wasn't long before we started hearing from international groups and families with #longcovidkids. Now our website is translated into 10 languages & we have launched a campaign to highlight the effects of #Covid on kids. #LCKGlobal

longcovidkids.org/member-stories. .

7) Although we are often told that #longcovidkids is 'in our heads we know that isn't true. We know the truth that #Covid harms children is economically unpleasing but we won't let it get swept under the carpet. We will continue to ensure children have a voice in this pandemic.

8) So we advocate, to the best of our #LongCovid ability while caring for #longcovidkids; attending meetings, and giving presentations with/to @NHSEngland @fhcappg @WHO @ISARIC1 @ptsafetylearn @NEUnion @IHM_tweets @AHPLeader @GloPID_R , #teamwork


9) Observing so many kids, we noticed 'trends/clusters' so we launched our own survey. The 1st recorded #longcovidkids symptoms, the 2nd looked at specific clusters.

10) Interestingly many adult surveys are self-reporting, and yet for some reason, this seems to be an issue for #LongCovidKids 🤔 We are asking why?

We report honestly on the @ONS & @GOVUK #COVID19 child figures & why they are likely to be under-reported.

11) We are calling for a clear @govuk child-focused public awareness campaign to help families recognise #COVID19 symptoms, when & why to #testtoprotect
Why is the @CDCgov symptom list so much more comprehensive @MattHancock @JimBethell ? Can you update the @NHSuk list, please?

12) We work hard at #mythbusting, yes #LongCovidKids experience debilitating #fatigue, but they also experience #chestpain, #rashes, #jointpain, #swelling, #siezures #neuropsychiatric symptoms , #nausea, #insomnia, #covidtoe & more. #paediatric #research is vital.

13) More than anything we want to prevent more kids from sharing our story. We are calling for the @educationgovuk to put robust mitigation measures in schools.
Our awareness pack provides information to support informed decision making.
#LCKSchoolPack longcovidkids.org

So there you go, that's us in a nutshell.
Oh & we run our SM, signpost families, collate research articles & network.

If you would like to support us please RT/donate/ask your followers to follow us and add #Longcovidkids or 🧡 to your profile. 🙏🏼

Not an easy watch, these images may be upsetting. They certainly are for the families living with them day in, day out.
#longcovidkids needs understanding, #BeKind. You may not want to believe it exists, but it does, and we hope can avoid it. #StaySafe #LongCovidKids

Oooh that should say 100 a week !

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