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Whatchu Talkin' About, XTwitter?! Modern life - Stranger by the day Is stupid really stupid... or just a new kind of smart?🤷‍♂️ #Football #Finance #Networks

Jun 5, 2021, 17 tweets

#DAZN #Matchroom
#disruption #sport
#Legacy v's #PurePlay specialists

This week #EddieHearn announced the worst kept secret in sports broadcasting - He's taking his show, Lock Stock, to Mr #Blavatnik first-mover streaming service.

#Thread with a different perspective...🧐

This is exciting for #Sports fans - Especially #boxing

Lower cost access
More shows
Bigger production

Interesting, it's announced a week after #SundayTimes named the owner of #DAZN as the richest man in the UK (again)!

That rich list is an good starting point to explore

We're living through changing times;


What's that got to do with #DAZN & #Sport 🤔

Well, Sport & #Entertainment is big business 💰

It's also used by powerful people to influence Hearts & Minds...

Back to that #RichList & a brief look at the concentration of power & money in todays societies.

x3 of the gentlemen in the #UK top ten richest come from the Old Soviet Union.

They're super smart - Connected - Ruthless


Understand the value of #Sport & it's #Influence

Between them, they control a number of high profile sporting interests & have a combined net worth greater than many small countries 💰

They are part of a cohort of #winners from the end of the #coldwar & the break up of the #sovietunion
They have outsized influence on the🌐

In 2nd place on that #TheSundayTimes #RichList are the Reuben Brothers.

Born in British India, they also made their money in the #GangsterCapitalist Robber Barron period of the 1990's
#SovietUnion split when some of the most valuable natural resources were up for grabs!

Another big player from that period was the shyster #RobertMaxwell

The father of the now infamous #GhislaineMaxwell


Interestingly, he had licence for #Tetris

Old school #CandyCrush #DCFC

#Blavatnik making film about #Tetris 🤔🎬

Again, if you look at that period from 1989-2008 & how much wealth was acquired by so few!

Incredible corporate & geo-political battles

It informs perception on major events today;
#CambridgeAnalytica #SCL
#Weinstein #BlackCube
#Saudi #Khashoggi #Putin

So, back to #DAZN for a second.

It's a really ambitious business

Takes really smart people to make it happen & huge amounts of financing! 💰

Last year when 😷 hit, there were no events.

#DAZN could have been in big trouble - Especially after settling with #Canelo


Money makes the world go round - So they say!

That's partly true.

What you do with that money & how you use it to influence, build networks, control, create power bases, cross borders & industries is more powerful!

Old school Oil & Natural Resources 💰➡️ Sport, Film, Tech

#DAZN is a power play in broadcasting, media & sport.

It's the next step in controlling industries - Being first!

#SuperLeague #Rights #Control


The old order is in decline...

The Oligarchs & winners from the old #USSR are quietly on the march!


So what? Changes in power dynamics happen in every generation...

Well, it's worth bearing in mind where these guys came from, how they got rich & how they stay rich!!

They're a loose network - Connected by ties many westerners don't see.

Combined, they're a massive force

⤴️ That might be harsh though - we can't bestow the stigma of a gangster kleptocracy mafia/state on every smart and successful businessman who has connections that region.

I mean, #JFK dad was a wide-boy ruthless businessman. He washed reputation through his sons/politics


For the Sports & Business angle on this - Read @mjshrimper at @TheAthleticUK

For background on the Old Soviet oligarchs and western business today, read @CatherineBelton #PutinsPeople

For #SportsWashing #Cultural read @Prof_Chadwick & @Fire_and_Skill

🧐 All excellent!

This is a great long read from @FT @HenryJFoy @maxseddon

#DAZN Broadcasting, Rights, Disruption

To me, he seems like he successfully did what Khodokovsky tried to do - Sell up and move his money round the world freely, becoming part of the global elite


Another example to keep an eye on⤵️

Again, super smart & successful people from that region should NOT be automatically branded as 'dodgy/corrupt'

But if we don't understand their backstory, links & implications, our markets are open to infiltration🧐💸

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