Alberta You See Pee 🍉✊😷🟠 Profile picture
Taking the piss out of Alberta politics. Support public healthcare & education. 2 many typos. Blocked by fascists. Find me as youseepee on blue sky 🦋

Sep 8, 2021, 11 tweets

I managed to catch the beginning of the rally for #ClimateAction happening in #Edmonton today.

Here’s a short photo thread. 📷🧵

@CJEdmonton @ActivistAlberta
#ClimateEmergency #ableg
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

Panorama of the crowd gathered near the Federal Building.

Hundreds here socially distanced.

#ableg #ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNow

Another shot of the @CJEdmonton banner.

#ClimateEmergency #ClimateActionNow

#JustTransition Now


Alberta, you see pee

#elxn44 #ableg

Divest from fossil fuels


Here’s @CJEdmonton’s thread from today’s rally:

#yegcc #CanadaOnFire #ableg #elxn44

“After a summer of wildfires, extreme heat, and other climate impacts, advocates say climate action needs to be at the forefront of the political conversation in order to save the environment – and the economy.”

-from @mcatheyk

#ClimateAction #Elxn44…

Photo from the march later on by @AlbertaMarxists

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