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Don't sit idly by. Speak up. #Onpoli #ABleg #cdnpoli #uspolitics. #Disinformation decoder, #OSINT sleuth. Politics, dogs, music.🇨🇦🇺🇸🌻

Sep 22, 2021, 10 tweets

A question everyone should be asking: WHY has #cdnmedia failed to report on one of the biggest political scandals in decades. O’Toole & #CPC colluded w/ #Conservative premiers to delay implementing covid measures until after #elxn44vote. People died as a result #CovidInquiryNow

The very next day after #elxn44vote, #JasonKenney shuffles Shandro, #ScottMoe flies under the radar & the UCP sends an official request to the Trudeau gov’t for help. (Because of jurisdiction the feds must be invited). Something UCP could’ve done weeks ago. #CovidInquiryNow

I’d just like to underscore this point. The letter sent by Ric McIver the day he replaced Shandro, is extremely revealing. A “State of Public Health Emergency” was declared on Sept 15, but no formal request was made to the Trudeau gov’t until immediately after #Elxn44. #ABleg

#CalgaryStampede is a huge fundraising event for #Conservatives at all levels. Public health officials warned repeatedly about removing restrictions & opening up prematurely. #UCP ignored this. The #Stampede turned into a super-spreader event. #ABleg #Elxn44 #Covid19AB

There are no words for the stunning hypocrisy & gaslighting from O’Toole & #CPC. 4th wave ‘took hold’ directly as a result of #Conservative premiers lifting covid measures, not implementing vaccine passports & allowing super-spreader event that O’Toole took part in #Ableg #Elxn44

More #Conservative hypocrisy around #Elxn44 & #Covid19.

O’Toole & #CPC MPs were demanding removal of restrictions, then using the pandemic to launch political attacks. #ABleg #ONpoli #Saskpoli #MBpoli

Thanks to @AB_AgainstUCP for highlighting this for me. The UCP appears unable to get its story quite straight. #ABleg #AlbertaCovidInquiry #Elxn44 #Covid19AB #ABhealthCrisis #ABhealth #ResignKenney #CPC

It appears that @MichelleRempel deleted this tweet attached (I wonder when exactly?). She’s Erin O’Toole’s health critic in his shadow cabinet.

After demanding lockdowns in Oklahoma, she later demanded restrictions be lifted in 🇨🇦. #ABleg #Elxn44 #ABpoli #cdnpoli #ABhealth

Ugh!! Autocorrect! That was supposed to say “they” not “he”.

“The day they replaced Shandro” is what that was supposed to say. Grrr. I hate when I don’t notice an incorrect autocorrect.

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