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Nov 11, 2021, 25 tweets

#SriAgenda abt to start 💥 #Nov11 10am CET

#SustainableFinance in times of crisis: the savers' perspective - Opening Day #SettimanaSRI the 🇮🇹 #SRIWeek "@ItaSIF…
@SriEvent is Twitter Media Partner

#responsibleinvestment #sri #esg @SRI_Natives @andytuit

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri #sustainablefinance is now paying close attention to #climate issues and at the same time #COP26 is paying close attention to #finance, says the Italian Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility in his opening remarks


@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri there are three main issues in this space, says Enrico Giovannini:
✅ improvement of #infrastructures, in terms of #mitigation and #adaptation to climate change
✅ policies aiming to transform our development model

#SettimanaSRI #climatecrisis

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri #sustainablefinance is key in accelerating the transition, but it's not alone, we're working on a #systemicchange, says the Italian Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility Enrico Giovannini wrapping up his speech


@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB now @SPizzoglio Partner, Head of BU Finance&Utilities @doxa_research and Arianna Lovera, Senior Programme Officer @ItaSIF presenting the study '#SustainableFinance in times of crisis: the savers' perspective'


@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research some key findings

#greenwashing a big obstacle
✅ awareness and attention around #sustainability are raising
#digital channels increasingly important, but #financial advisors' role still key
✅ still a bit of confusion about #sustainablefinance offering


@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research @2didenari @Radio24_news it's not a trend or a style, what's happening is a revolution, mainly a cultural revolution, and it's gonna take time, says Lorenzo Alfieri, Country Head @JPMorganAM

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #ESG

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research @2didenari @Radio24_news @JPMorganAM when @eticasgr started 20y ago the #sustainablefinance market was really a small niche, at that time we had to fight VS 'false myths' around #sustainablefinance, now everything is going light speed, says @rgrossi75 Vice-Managing Director Etica Sgr


@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research @2didenari @Radio24_news @JPMorganAM now finance and mainly #sustainablefinance has the chance to make a difference, therefore we've a great responsibility, we've to make the right choices, we can't disappoint expectations people have about sustainable finance, says @rgrossi75


@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research @2didenari @Radio24_news @JPMorganAM the main issues are about involving retail investors towards certain #sustainability goals and, on our side, raising a sort of 'technical sensitivity', says @LuigiConteSPB President @anasfCF

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research @2didenari @Radio24_news @JPMorganAM @seankidney @MissOdaro the sad fact is that billions of $ are still invested in #coal, says @rgrossi75 mentioning researches by @urgewald: we've to make consistent choices, it's a matter of credibility, says @rgrossi75 Vice-Managing Director @EticaSgr

#SettimanaSRI #fossilfuels #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research @2didenari @Radio24_news @JPMorganAM @seankidney @MissOdaro @urgewald @sellasgr financial literacy and namely education to one's investment horizon is one of the biggest issues, it's about a cultural transformation, says Barbara Galliano, Deputy Country Head, Head of Retail Distribution @NatixisIM

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @andytuit @fbicciato1 @veroulivieri @SPizzoglio @EticaSgr @rgrossi75 @gieffegigi @anasfCF @Eurosif @bancaetica @ubiggeri @LuigiConteSPB @doxa_research @2didenari @Radio24_news @JPMorganAM @seankidney @MissOdaro @urgewald @sellasgr @NatixisIM we've to work in a systemic way, also along w/ environmental #NGOs, share the same goals - for ex. abt #climateemergency, #healthemergency -, seek for strong links w/ the #realeconomy, stay away from financial speculations, says @fbicciato1 wrapping up the meeting


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