#BREAKING We are seeing exciting things for #RankedChoiceVoting, the labor movement, & ballot initiatives!! Thread of #DownBallotProgressives & causes #NotMeUs🔹 + some w/
🌻 @GreenPartyUS #MedicareForAll #UnionStrong #1u
Follow @TheRagtagBand
.@CallForCongress🔹is running for #WA02 8/2/22 against @RepRickLarsen🔹! He ran a great campaign ‘20 so let’s pick up this seat this time! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/elect-j…
📌Volunteer: callforcongress.com/volunteer/
📌Website: CallForCongress.com
We, @TheRagtagBand stand behind @WholeWashington in efforts for #MedicareForAll in Washington and #ThroughTheStates! @RedBeretsM4All is fundraising for the ballot initiative!
📌Donate/Merch: secure.actblue.com/donate/wholewa…
📌Website: WholeWashington.org
📌 wholewashington.org/savings-estima…
.@Christinefor24🔹is running for #FL24 against corp dem @RepWilson🔹in ‘22 w/ primary 8/23/22 general 11/‘22! 💯grassroots & ran a great campaign ‘20! #NotMeUs #YangGang #MedicareForAll

📌Donate: secure.anedot.com/christine-for-…
📌Volunteer/Website: christineolivo.com
.@AllyforCongress🔹is running for Congress in #VA11 against corp Dem @GerryConnolly🔹June 21 ‘22*! She’s endorsed by @Leftists4Office @CallForCongress @LiamOMaraIV and more! #NotMeUs #YangGang
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/ally-fo…
📌Volunteer: allyforcongress.com/volunteer
.@RebeccaforWA🔹is a progressive/lefty running for #WA06 against @RepDerekKilmer🔹8/2/22, an anti-#MedicareForAll corp Dem! She’s 💯grassroots funded! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/rebecca…
📌Volunteer/Website: RebeccaParson.com
.@ahunt4congress🔹is running for #PA03 against @RepDwightEvans🔹(5/17/22) a corp dem against #MedicareForAll! She’s endorsed by @marwilliamson @pennjusticedems! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/alexand…
📌Volunteer: alexandramhunt.com/volunteer/
📌Website: alexandramhunt.com
.@Angelica4CA🔹 is running for #CA29 against corp Dem @RepCardenas🔹! She ran a great close campain ‘20 so let’s finish this 5/7/22! 💯grassroots funded #NotMeUs #YangGang
📌Donate: angelica4congress.com/donate
📌Volunteer: angelica4congress.com/volunteer
📌Website: Angelica4Congress.com
.@DanWhitCongress🔹(D) is running for @USSenate in #Arkansas against @JohnBoozman🔺! (Primary: 6/21/22) He ran a great campaign ‘20 then helped boost other progressives! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll
📌Donate/Volunteer: danwhitcongress.us/contact
📌Website: DanWhitCongress.us
.@iElijahManley🔹is running for #Florida House of Del. District 94 against corp Dem @DuBoseforFL🔹 8/23/22! He’d be a great rep in FL for the ppl! #NotMeUs #GreenNewDeal
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/elijahm…
📌Volunteer: mobilize.us/manleyforflori…
📌Website: ElijahManley.com
.@DarrigoMelanie🔹is running for #NY03 in ‘22 against corporate Dem @RepTomSuozzi🔹; Primary June 28! She’s 💯grassroots funded progressive! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/darrigo…
📌Volunteer: darrigo2022.com/volunteer
📌Website: Darrigo2022.com
.@Britt4Congress🔹 is running for #NY11 against @NMalliotakis🔺@MaxRose4NY🔹’22! (Primary: 6/28/22) She’s a veteran and activist for ending forever wars! She’s 💯grassroots progressive! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/brd-web…
📌Volunteer/Website: brittanyforcongress.org/volunteer
.@MeetMckayla🔹is running for #Congress in #MD05 against @LeaderHoyer🔹a corp Dem 6/28/22! She’s 💯people powered & grassroots funded! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/mckayla…
📌Volunteer/Website: McKaylaWilkes.com
.@amy4thepeople🔹is running for #NV01 against @repdinatitus🔹6/14/22! She’s a #MedicareForAll activist & 💯grassroots funded leftist! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/amy-web…
📌Volunteer: amyvilela.com/volunteer
📌Website: AmyVilela.com
.@DelilahforTexas (🌻G) is running for Governor of #Texas ‘22 against @GovAbbott! She supports #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #UBI etc! #NotMeUs #GreenTwitter
📌Donate: donorbox.org/delilah-for-te…
📌Volunteer: delilah-for-texas.greenparty.co/volunteer
📌Website: delilah-for-texas.greenparty.co
.@ripolcoop is running 50 progressives for ‘22 (they picked up 10 seats ‘20) #RhodeIsland state/local! They’ll run w/ a @mattbrownRI @Cynthia_Mendes_! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: ripoliticalcoop.com/donate/
📌Co op: ripoliticalcoop.com
📌Gov/LtGov: mattandcynthiaforri.com
.@justin4all2🌻(G) is running for #CT03 2022 against @rosadelauro🔹! He’s 💯grassroots left candidate! #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #NotMeUs
📌Donate: j4a.nationbuilder.com/donate
📌Volunteer: justin4all.org/volunteer/
📌Website: Justin4All.org
.@AdamCforMD🔹 is running against @Senatornjk🔹 for #Maryland State Senate District 39 Jun 28 ‘22! He’s a 💯grassroots people powered campaign! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/adamfor…
📌Volunteer: adamformaryland.com/contact-us
📌Website: AdamForMaryland.com
Workers at @WarriorMetCoal w/ @MineWorkers are fighting against unfair labor practices, and better wages/benefits! #Unions4All
📌Donate: umwa.org/umwa2021strike…
📌Website: umwa.org/news-media/new…
📌Story: abcnews.go.com/Business/alaba…
@DLiamDorris 🔹 Is running for #IN09 against @RepTrey🔺@Hoosiers4Fyfe🔹in ‘22! Primary 5/‘22, general 11/‘22! 💯grassroots #DownBallotProgressives! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/dorris-…
📌Volunteer/Website: DLiamDorris.com
.@RichForMaryland🔹is running for #Maryland House of Del. district 24 6/30/22 which is currently held by Erek Barron🔹, Andrea Harrison🔹, and Jazz Lewis! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/richfor…
📌Volunteer/Website: richformaryland.com
.@AazamiShervin🔹 is running for #CA32 w/ primary June 7, 2022*! He’s 💯grassroots funded leftist! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/shervin…
📌Volunteer: shervin4thevalley.com/join
📌Website: Shervin4TheValley.com
.@DavidKimForCA🔹is running for #CA34 6/7/22 held by @JimmyGomezCA🔹! He nearly beat him 2020, so let’s get him this time! #NotMeUs #GreenNewDeal
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/davidki…
📌Volunteer: davidkimforca.com/volunteer/
📌Website: DavidKimforCA.com
.@Booker4KY🔹 is running for @USSenate in #Kentucky against @RandPaul🔺’22! (Primary: 5/17/22)! He’s endorsed by @BernieSanders! #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/cb-soci…
📌Volunteer: charlesbooker.org/volunteer/
📌Website: CharlesBooker.org
.@GaryChambersJr🔹is running for @USSenate in #Louisiana w/ the primary 11/8/22 and general 12/10/22. He’s 💯grassroots and a longtime activist. #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/chamber…
📌Volunteer: chambersforlouisiana.com/take-action/
📌Website: ChambersForLouisiana.com
@Maebe_A_Girl🔹 is running for #CA30 against corp Dem @AdamSchiff 6/7/22! She’s 💯grassroots funded & ppl powered! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll (h/t graphic: @CaptOptamicus)
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/maebeag…
📌Volunteer: maebeagirlforcongress.org/sign-up%2Fcont…
📌Website: MaebeAGirlForCongress.org
.@QueenJohnson_🔹is running for #NY08 against corp Dem @hakeemjeffries🔹in a much anticipated primary! She’s an activist, organizer, 💯grassroots funded! #MedicareForAll #NotMeUs
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/queenjo…
📌Website: QueenForCongress.com
.@AllenLEllison🔹is running for @USSenate #Florida against @marcorubio🔺’22! (Primary: 8/23/22) He’s 💯grassroots #DownBallotProgressives! #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/allenel…
📌Volunteer: ellisonforcongress.com/volunteer/
📌Website: allenellison.com
We, @TheRagtagBand, stand behind @amazonlabor in their efforts to unionize @amazon workplaces! They just won and have another election in a month! Support them! #ALU #1u
📌Donate: gofundme.com/f/the-amazon-l…
📌Article: labornotes.org/2022/04/amazon…
We, @TheRagtagBand, stand behind @SBWorkersUnited in their efforts to unionize @Starbucks workplaces! They’re winning across the country!! #1u
📌Support: store.sbworkersunited.org
📌Massapequa, NY: gofundme.com/f/help-unioniz…
📌For Fired Organizing Workers: gofundme.com/f/help-angel-a…
The #Illinois legislature has referred an amendment to the ballot to enshrine collective bargaining rights in the state Constitution; -banning- right-to-work laws! Vote YES on amendment 1! #1u #UnionStrong
📌Article 1: news.ballotpedia.org/2021/05/28/uni…
📌Article 2: natlawreview.com/article/illino…
.@ImaniOakleyNJ10🔹is running for #NJ10 against conservadem @RepDonaldPayne June 7, ‘22! She’s 💯 grassroots funded! #MedicareForAll (h/t graphic @CaptOptamicus)
📌Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/off-web
📌Volunteer: secure.ngpvan.com/fSla6aV0ykacNa…
📌Website: OakleyForCongress.com
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