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Journalist/Documentary maker. Ukraine specialist. Data expert (inc. Covid-19). Media trainer. Sports commentator. Buy me a coffee? https://t.co/MLLqpHi3vV

Aug 5, 2022, 28 tweets

Hello, welcome to Friday and to Day 163 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine

Critical days after The Kremlin's tactic of carpet bombing the front line, then throwing 1000s of cannon fodder into the "grey zone" seems to be pushing Ukraine back in #Donetsk.

All the news, all day, here⬇️

The @TheStudyofWar last night reported #Ukraine "is likely seizing the strategic initiative and forcing #Russia to reallocate forces" due to threats in #Kherson.

However their maps don't include the news about #Avdiivka and #Bakhmut which I brought you in yesterday's thread

Also last night I showed the scenes in #Nikopol - and I'll tweet a new video in the next post

UK's MoD's update highlights the sheer recklessness of #Russia firing on Nikopol from a nuclear power plant in #Enerhodar, storing weapons there knowing #Ukraine can't risk firing there

So here is a new video from #Nikopol where I think thermite MLRS were used, lighting up the sky. It may have been phosphorus munitions. This is CCTV footage - just watch the top of the screen.

No casualties reported, but fires and damage.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia

This morning three more boats of #Ukraine grain have left ports on the Black Sea.

The first boat to leave, #Razoni, is now navigating through the Greek islands, en route to the port of Tripoli in #Lebanon.


A few photos emerging from last night's attack on #Kharkiv.

A young man is in intensive care, another man and woman are also in hospital. But if anything, the consequences are not as bad as first feared.

#Kharkov #Ukraine #StopRussianAggression

Video's been published of #Ukraine blowing up the pillars of the bridge across the Seversky Donets in #Sviatohirsk.

Russians have been on the lower bank of the river for several weeks, while the high bank (together with the sacred Lavra) is controlled by Ukraine.


A little glimpse now of the tortuous "road to life" as some call it for evacuees in southern #Ukraine.

This is believed to be near near #Berdyansk in the occupied territories.

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine
credit: TG channel brdVP

A famous ex-Spartak ice-hockey player gave an interview to #Russia's sport channel "Match TV"

But Czechia's Dominik Hasek spoke truthfully about fascism in Moscow and appealed for fans to help stop the attack on #Ukraine. The interview was not broadcast!


#Mykolaiv didn't escape attack overnight of course!

This time #Russia mainly fired on the Korabelnyi district of #Nikolaev. #Ukraine's authorities say cluster munitions were used, sent from MLRS.
No known casualties.


How long can #NATO member #Turkiye keep playing both sides?


Still no confirmation on this potential hit on #Russia's Black Sea fleet at #Sevastopol.


Looks like another fuel dump has been hit in occupied #Donetsk.

This in the Kuibyshevskyi district.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

Here's another view of the likely #Ukraine hit on #Donetsk this morning.

#Kuibyshevskyi raion, just west of the centre of the occupied city.

#StopRussiaNow #RussiaIsATerroristState

A car cemetery in #Mariupol after the "Nazi invasion"

The city will takes years to recover. Families and citizens will never recover.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussianAggression

Some sources say #Russia has taken total control of #Pisky (RU: #Pesky) in Donetsk region. It's a little west of the city of #Donetsk and south of under pressure #Avdiivka.

If Pisky has fallen, and I suspect it has, then it's hard to see Avdiivka holding out for too much longer.

Air raid warnings in occupied #NovayaKakhovka.

At least one missile has been shot down and landed in the water (video) in #Kherson region. But unconfirmed reports that others may have landed on target.


Air raid warnings active in #Mykolaiv region right now too.

A few minutes before, the regional Governor for #Nikolaev announced the need for a curfew lasting the whole weekend.
It will start at 11pm tonight and end 05:00 on Monday morning.

The railway station in #Donetsk is on fire now

#StandWithUkraine️ #StopRussiaNOW

22 people are injured by fresh Russian shelling in #Mykolaiv

They again attacked the Korabelnyi district of #Nikolaev, with high rise and other residential buildings damaged according to #Ukraine

Among the injured, a 14-year-old who was hit by cluster munition outside a church.

Traitor Volodymyr Saldo, Russia's "head" of #Kherson, is reportedly in a medically induced coma in #Crimea.
He may be flown to Moscow.

Saldo, who survived an assassination attempt in July, yesterday handed over powers to his deputy.
Some speculate he was poisoned or had a stroke

#Ukraine is accusing #Russia of shelling the Nuclear Power Plant in #Enerhodar.

Energoatom states "the Russian military again resorted to provocations. As a result of their shelling at 2:30 p.m., three 'arrivals' were recorded near the ZNPP industrial site."


#Donetsk - as well as the railway station being on fire, shelling has hit four other districts of the occupied city this afternoon.

Great work from the @Bellingcat team to identify the animal who castrated then executed a #Ukraine Prisoner of War.

They don't name him, but the @the_ins_ru does, a member of a Chechen paramilitary Akhmat battalion.



It's reported that #Bulgaria has stopped issuing visas to Russians. This applies to property owners and tourists alike.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

#Ukraine's Nuclear operating company, Energoatom says #Russia shelled the power plant in #Enerhodar for a 2nd time today.

3 missiles "seriously damaged the nitrogen-oxygen station & the auxiliary building. There's a risk of hydrogen leakage + smattering of radioactive substances

#Russia of course has a different point of view:

"At the hydrogen station at the nuclear power plant, a flare fire occurred, the fire was promptly eliminated

"Russian calls on organisations to condemn the criminal actions of Zelenskyy, who carries out acts of nuclear terrorism"

#Ukraine may have hit the Dar'ivka bridge again in #Kherson region tonight. This is the road bridge over the river Inhulets, north-east of Kherson city

The Occupiers say air-defence stopped Ukraine's rockets, but separate sources report at least two landed, on or near the bridge

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