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Apr 5th 2023
@NATO Sc. pres #Niinistö has not had a #mandate to sign laws.
THREAD 13 Finland #ElectionsCrimes
FROM: #Finland's #PresidentialElections 2018.
TO: The #IPU. In 2015 #ParliamentaryElections their votes were #RESET in the #ElectionNight.
@NATO cc:@ janus_putkonen
An illegal #NATO #coup to the end, and such systematic #fraud is certainly not thoughtless. Any other #NATO member country can use the harsh truth to throw #Finland out of NATO or leave it to its own... Image
@NATO #Niinistö took #Finland to the #Euro zone with #treason (a crime that does not expire), and now we are going to #NATO even though the #Paris #PeaceTreaty is still #valid with #Russia and #prevents Finland from becoming a NATO member.
Read 30 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
"Everything according to plan"
#Russia's 3-day plan to take #Kyiv and control all of #Ukraine a week after that, has reached Day 400

Also, I'm proud to have single-handedly kept up to date with all the news with daily threads each and every day. So let's start Thursday's 🧵
Today's thread comes from #Montenegro after a travel day yesterday. Six years ago #Russia's attempted coup here failed.

Still a touch of snow on the mountains as another European Teqball Tour event gets underway here. More about that tomorrow on Finals Day.
Wednesday was pretty quiet in terms of the war.
But if you need to recap on yesterday, here's the usual link:


Read 36 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
Saturday is Day 381 of #Russia's attempt to obliterate #Ukraine from the map, to destroy an independent nation and centuries of culture.

This is the only thread you need for all the news and developments around the war, here's y'day's thread to catch up:

Starting today with the British Intel update. London confirms that #Wagner troops have reached the centre of #Bakhmut. However they explain why #Ukraine is still holding #Russia at bay in the #Donetsk town.

They don't supply a map, so I've added 2 from Google + DeepState to help
There are so many exaggerations, lies & fakes in all wars; I guess these days it's easier, quicker to spread + difficult & time consuming to try to spot fakes.

But here's one. As news of Leopard tanks being deployed by #Ukraine, a crude photoshop of a🇷🇺 chevron on an old photo
Read 27 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
Day 379 of #Russia's attack on #Ukraine, here's my daily thread.

The fierce fighting around #Bakhmut and other hotspots in the east continues.

Bakhmut is 35 miles (55km) from #Kadiivka in #Luhansk region which has been under Russian control since 2014.
35 miles in 379 days!
Yesterday's link for the thread is here⬇️
Luckily, a quiet day with #Georgia's heavily Russian influenced Govt taking most of the headlines.

More death and destruction from #Russia already this morning.

Four people are dead in #Lviv region after local officials say a rocket hit a residential area.

Rescuers are still searching debris in #Zolochiv.
Read 43 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
You've found the start of Tuesday's 🧵covering all he developments and everything you need to know about #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine

It's day 377. We are in danger of suffering public fatigue. Please don't let this happen.
Ukraine's soldiers cannot quit, morally or legally
If you missed anything yesterday, fear not!
Here's the link to Monday's thread, click and scroll at your leisure.

This is how I ended yesterday's thread.

There is a lot of speculation as to who the man is, it seems he may originally be from #Donetsk.
However his sister has identified him and asks not to name him yet - the least we can do is respect that.

Read 27 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡❗Noticias de la guerra de Ucrania: 2 de Marzo 2023

Grupos de sabotaje ucranianos atacaron Lyubechane y Sushany
En el ataque participaron radicales de extrema derecha Rusos
Murieron 2 hombres
Un niño fue al hospital con herida de bala en la espalda.
En Briansk,
las AFU bombardearon una estación eléctrica en #Sushany
En #Lomakovka, varios edificios resultaron dañados como consecuencia de un ataque artillero.

AFU bombardeó el pueblo fronterizo de #Tetkino
8 casas resultaron dañadas, un hombre murió y otro resultó herido. Más
tarde, las AFU atacaron #Troitskoye y #Begoshcha sin causar víctimas ni daños

En Tula, un UAV ucraniano cayó cerca de #Berezovskiy
Presumiblemente, el objetivo del ataque era la central nuclear de #Shchyokinskaya
Se están reforzando la protección de las instalaciones
Read 7 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Mar. 2:
1/ #Russian #Tank #Production

The need of the #Russian army for #Tanks may exceed the #Production rate 10 times.

The pace of #Production of #Tanks for the #Russian army does not allow to make up ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Mar. 2:
2/ #Russian #Tank #Production

..make up for #Losses in #Ukraine, writes @TheEconomist. As a #Western official told the magazine, #Tanks are #Produced in #Russia 10 times slower than the army is #Losing them.

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Mar. 2:
3/ #Russian #Tank #Production

Now only 1 enterprise is engaged in the #Production of #Tanks in #Russia - #Uralvagonzavod. As @TheEconomist notes, #Financial #Chaos & huge #Debts have slowed ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Read 18 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
⚡Premières déclarations de #Poutine: Un scénario complètement différent se préparait dans notre dos.
Nous nous souvenons des tentatives de l'#Ukraine d'acquérir des armes nucléaires.
Il s'avère que tout le temps où le #Donbass était en feu, l'Occident jouait des cartes marquées.
⚡️ #VladimirPutin : La #Russie 🇷🇺 a fait tout son possible pour résoudre la crise ukrainienne par des moyens pacifiques, mais un scénario complètement différent se préparait dans son dos."
#Moscow #Moscou #Donbass #Russia 🇷🇺
💥 FLASH #Russia 🇷🇺#VladimirPutin annonce la fin du régime terroriste de #Kyiv: "Ils ont déclenché la guerre et nous utilisons la force pour l'arrêter❗
Le 22 février, tout est prêt pour la prochaine action punitive de #Kiev."
#Donbass 🇷🇺 #Crimea #Moscow
Read 12 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#OTD 1943 | Vatutin’s South Western Front launched their assault on January 30th, 1943. The initial aim was
to clear Krasnyy Liman and break through the heavily
wooded Severnyy Donets river valley and into the
Donbas steppe beyond. #OperationGallop 1/X
1stGuards Army was to lead this push and the four tank
corps of Mobile Group Popov was to exploit. 6th Army was given the task of capturing the city of #Izyum
and maintaining a link with Voronezh Front to the
north. 2/X
To support #OperationGallop, South Western Front needed to clear the forests north of the #SevernyyDonets. This involved pushing the 19.PzDiv away from #KrasnyyLiman, creating a bridgehead over the river, and advancing towards #Slavyansk. 3/X
Read 52 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
Russo-Ukrainian War: The World Blood Pump

Gradually, and then Suddenly

by @witte_sergei

#NATORussiawar #Ukraine
Since #Russia’s surprise decision to voluntarily withdraw from west bank #Kherson in the first week of November, there has been little in the way of dramatic changes to the frontlines in #Ukraine.

In part, this reflects the predictable late autumn weather in Eastern Europe, which leaves battlefields waterlogged and clogged with mud and greatly inhibits mobility.

Read 72 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
On this 80th anniversary of the turning point of #WWII — it’s a great time to watch this series.

#Leningrad #Russia #Nazis
This is the only American Cold War era documentary series I’ve ever seen that does not demonize the Soviets, or make Stalin into Lucifer.

Burt Lancaster spared no expense on research and made sure this 20-part documentary was accurate in every detail.
The footage you see here was edited from over 3.5 million feet of film taken by Soviet camera crews from the first day of the war during Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941 through August 1945.

Most of these films have never been seen outside this documentary series.
Read 31 tweets
Jan 14th 2023
Day 325 of #Russia's illegal war and the weekend begins with another attack on #Ukraine.

This is the daily thread with all the news around the conflict in one place.

For yesterday's news, click and scroll here:

Currently there is an air raid warning over 5 regions of #Ukraine with 7 of #Russia's Tu-95 jets in flight and one Tu-22.

#Kyiv #Sumy #Poltava #Chernihiv and #Cherkasy oblasts all considered at risk right now.

There have already been 5-6 explosions reported in the capital.
A leisurely morning in #Kyiv was ruined with sounds like this and people scuttling unexpectedly for shelters - the alarm raised AFTER the first blasts.

Mayor @Vitaliy_Klychko confirms a number of explosions - an attack on infrastructure.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia
Read 90 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
Ru MoD:

The special services of #Ukraine have prepared a new large-scale anti-#Russian provocation and accusing Russian servicemen of committing #WarCrimes

#Ukrainian SBU and #British agents arranged for the opening of graves in cemeteries near #Kharkov region
where local citizens were buried who died of natural causes. After the exhumation, the bodies of #Ukrainian citizens were disfigured and dumped into specially prepared ‘pits’ to create false ‘evidence’ of alleged ‘torture’ and ‘shootings’ of civilians by #Russian servicemen
Representatives of the #Ukrainian services and law enforcement agencies are currently photographing and videotaping the bodies of dead #Ukrainian citizens, as well as imitating the work of ‘forensic experts’ and other ‘procedural actions’ in the presence of fake ‘witnesses’.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
Day 309 of the war. #Russia's illegal war on #Ukraine.
Thanks for reading yet another daily thread

Thursday started with explosions for many in #Kyiv with a nationwide air alert. City leaders in the capital say it's air defence working.

Here's y'day link
With enemy aircraft moving, this alert for many regions including #Kyiv has already lasted over 2 hours.

More ships appeared in the Black Sea armed with missiles too, according to Gov of #Mykolaiv (RU: #Nikolaev) Vitaliy Kim

There has still been the regular shelling during the night in #Ukraine

Two villages near #Zaporizhzhia were hit by #Russia's artillery. Also struck of course was #Nikopol, which I don't always mention in these threads but continues to be targeted daily.

Read 65 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
Hello again. It's Day 295 of the #RussiaUkraineWar
It's Thursday 15 December and this is the daily thread with the news, views and analysis as #Ukraine fights for its very existence.

Quite a lot happened yesterday, if you need to catch up, scroll here:

A lot of damage to #Kherson yesterday, and more deaths and misery.

Already in the early hours more MLRS rocket attacks reported. Not yet known of casualties or destruction.

#StopRussia #RussiaIsATerroristState
Another big explosion in occupied #Kadiivka (RU: #Stakhanov) in #Luhansk oblast.

Early indications are that it's another pinpoint strike by #Ukraine, likely on one of #Russia's bases.

Residents in nearby #Alchevsk also report loud explosions - probably the same incident.
Read 32 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
"What a waste of a short life."

[#629] #Gamanin #Ilya #Sergeevich (January 20, 2004), #Kupyansk, #Kharkov region, #Ukraine🇺🇦.
(A collaborator from #Kupyansk, who became famous for destroying the #Ukrainian coat of arms on administrative buildings with pride to the exultation of
#Russian propagandists. In September, he went to serve in the so-called "#LPR army")

Status: #Dismantled (November 24 near #Bakhmut).

#Denis #Kazansky: One can gloat, of course, but in fact this is a sad story about how the #Russian world first killed the soul and then the body
of a #Ukrainian teenager who, under other circumstances, could live happily in peaceful #Ukraine, get an education, start a family, open business.
#Russia🇬🇧 brings only death and endless misfortunes. Both strangers and their own. Concentrated evil.

Odmen: The traitor had a
Read 4 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
It's Tuesday 18 Oct, it's Day 237 of #Russia's war.

Here's the start of the daily thread with all the news you need about #Ukraine and its defence against "the world's second biggest army"

Yesterday was so busy - missed something? Catch up here:

Well despite #Iran's denials, The #UK government is in no doubt that it's their "kamikaze" drones which are causing death and destruction, involved in a string of war crimes in #Ukraine.

No "maybe" or "possibly" - Britain says IT IS Iran providing #Russia with killing machines.
A very high number of #Russia's soldiers became fertiliser in #Ukraine's soil over the past 24 hours*

In addition, 35 drones shot down and a continued high amount of Artillery systems still being picked out by the Defenders.

*Ukr govt figures
Read 25 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 230 - Un día más, comienza aquí nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Comenzamos con las declaraciones de #Kadyrov, quien asegura tener 70.000 chechenos listos para combatir en Ucrania.

🟥 ¡Comparte! 🙏

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 230 - Este es, para quien no lo haya leído, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, lunes 10 de octubre de 2022. Claves ⬇️

➡️ Ataques con misiles
➡️ #Surovikin
➡️ #Bielorrusia…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 230 - Derribo de un helicóptero de ataque Ka-52 ruso en la región de #Zaporiyia.
Read 39 tweets
Oct 5th 2022
950/ #Shaheed / #Geran2 UAVs buzzing early this evening over #Odesa #Odessa #Nikolaev #Kherson #Donbas
951/ 1AK artillery / #DPR battalion "Somali" at work. #Donetsk #Donbass #Lugansk
952/ RF Military equipment on the move towards #Donbas #Donbass (13x MSTA-S and 20x MT-LBu). #Kherson #Lugansk #Donetsk
Read 1333 tweets
Oct 1st 2022
BREAKING!!! 01.10.2022 15:00 HRS CET


❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 The situation in the #Lyman direction
as of 15:00 on October 1, 2022

By the middle of the day it became obvious: the decision was made to #withdraw the troops and leave #Liman.

After the appearance of a video Image
7/2 from the eastern outskirts of #Zarechny with a blown-up bridge (49.021573, 37.952583), which was occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, it became clear that the entire "road of life" is already under the control of the #Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The #Russian artillery continues to work on suitable units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but if earlier attention was focused on the Lyman, now the goal of the Ukrainian formations is to block #Kremennaya and take control of reservoirs on the #Zherebets River.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
How much is #Ukraine similar to #Syria?

Back in 2016. power of Bashar Al-#Assad was on his last legs. Insurgents took over the almost entire country, leaving him with roughly 15% of land under government control.

by Slavyangrad
All big cities were lost or heavily contested. The enemy was as close as two kilometers to the center of #Damascus.

#Syria #ukraine
Then #Russians came. Slowly but methodically, they started to bombard insurgents, which we can call a conglomerate of various ideological and interest groups, including designated terrorists such as Jabhat Al Nusra and #ISIS.

Read 30 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
1/5 "La liberación de Balakliya.
La operación que inició la contraofensiva del ejército ucraniano. La operación que rompió el frente de los ocupantes en la región de Kharkiv. Esta es la historia de nuestra unidad. La historia de nuestro país."
#KRAKEN #Kharkov #Kharkiv
2/5 "La liberación de Balakliya.
La operación que inició la contraofensiva del ejército ucraniano. La operación que rompió el frente de los ocupantes en la región de Kharkiv. Esta es la historia de nuestra unidad. La historia de nuestro país."
#KRAKEN #Kharkov #Kharkiv
3/5 "La liberación de Balakliya.
La operación que inició la contraofensiva del ejército ucraniano. La operación que rompió el frente de los ocupantes en la región de Kharkiv. Esta es la historia de nuestra unidad. La historia de nuestro país."
#KRAKEN #Kharkov #Kharkiv
Read 5 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
Tuesday 20 September - Day 209 of the illegal war being waged by #Russia, welcome to the daily thread.

#Ukraine is fighting for democracy, for its very survival. Our fundraiser is at 18% of target - a good start. Photos added of what we will be buying.…
Many interesting stories late on Monday's thread

⚡️#Russia's soldiers sexually assaulted a 4 year old child.
⚡️🇷🇺embassy in Canada firebombed
⚡️Big (suspicious) fire in 🇷🇺 city
⚡️Employees forced to "donate" over 40% of their weekly wage to Russia's war

Here's a risky investment for Russians.

How about booking a New Year's Eve party at the #Kerch (Crimea) bridge?
New cruises being launched from next week.

Well, guess they like fireworks on 31 December. Why not try a #HIMARS light show experience?…
Read 37 tweets

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