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Dec 9, 2022, 18 tweets

@KevinClimate "We've developed this term 'net zero' which allows us to move the burden of reducing emissions out to future generations, out to 2050 and beyond. It’s vacuous. Completely meaningless. It’s Latin for kicking the can down the road."

Source: How Wealth Inequality Fuels the Climate Emergency: @GeorgeMonbiot, Scientist Kevin Anderson on COP26 11 November 2021

lnkd.in/ewKhg8NZ CUMBRIA COAL MINE WILL BE "NET ZERO", SAYS GOVE Hugo Gye 7 December 2022 #GoveLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ WHAT IMPACT WILL PLANNED NEW UK COALMINE HAVE ON CARBON EMISSIONS? The UK government says a proposed new coal mine in Cumbria will have a "broadly neutral" effect on greenhouse gas emissions, but its climate change advisers disagree.

' As host of COP26 in Glasgow last year, the UK called for countries to “consign coal to history” and lobbied nations to commit to phase-out plans for the fossil fuel.

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ Approving a new coal mine on home soil will be seen as hypocrisy, say researchers, and may embolden other nations to extend the life of their own coal industries. #GoveLies #SunakLies #Trusslies #JohnsonLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ “Developing countries such as India will view this decision as extremely hypocritical, and this move will do a disservice to the UK’s history of pushing out coal from its power system,” said Sugandha Srivastav at the University of Oxford in a statement.

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ Paul Elkins at University College London said the approval “trashes the UK’s reputation as a global leader on climate action and opens it up to well-justified charges of hypocrisy – telling other countries to ditch coal while not doing so itself”.'


lnkd.in/er2C38kZ Despite winning planning approval from the government, some climate experts doubt the mine will ever become operational.

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ There will almost certainly be a legal challenge against this week’s decision, with NGOs and law groups like ClientEarth actively scrutinising the decision for potential grounds for appeal, New Scientist understands.

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ A general election could also scupper the mine’s prospects. #GeneralElectionNow

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ The Liberal Democrats and Labour are both opposed to its development, with Labour’s shadow climate and net zero secretary Ed Miliband saying the decision shows the government is “giving up on all pretence of climate leadership”.

lnkd.in/er2C38kZ A Labour win in the next general election could stop the mine before operations ever get under way.'

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