Jason Cravens Profile picture
Cross-Platform Systems, Network Admin/Security, Web Dev, Software Debugging. 23 years. 🇺🇸 Bash, Python, JavaScript, PHP/AJAX, NodeJS +more.

Mar 28, 2023, 19 tweets

Gotta love @jimmy_dore. How do so many people still not know about these criminals? How long does it take to sink in, people? I mean...It's not brain surgery. 😉

Workforce statistics do not reflect what we're being told.
#VaccineInjuries #VaccineDeaths
#Fauci opened the #Gates of hell.

#CrimesAgainstHumanity #Pfizer #Moderna #WEF
"Under the skin..." i.e. Digital enslavement.

#Grooming #Pedophiles #IPPF #Gates #PlannedParenthood
Gates is funding international pedo's to the tune of MILLIONS.

#Agenda2030 #WEF #NWO #IoT #smartdevices #Nanonetwork #SmartSurface

Smart surfaces?
Or something they know everyone will touch.

Why do I have a feeling this implies more that it's leading on...

@jimmy_dore, I just watched "Fake News Stories Everyone Fell For" & the hearse video reminded me of this video. This is a decade ago, also. 🤔
#CGI #ComputerGenerated #DeepFake

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