Bottom line up front: Nine significant pieces of info in public record point to conspiracy with Russians and violations of federal campaign finance law...
Original Scoop for this story is @AssociatedPress story by @JeffHorwitz @ChadSDay:…
(WaPo got their emails @thamburger @PostRoz @CarolLeonnig @adamentous)…
To understand how deeply Manafort’s Ukrainian principals are connected with, and infiltrated by, Kremlin intelligence, read @violagienger:…
Note references to Manafort in Papadopoulos guilty plea
Two members of the Russian delegation are now thought to be Russian spies.
In testimony before House Intel Committee, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher “acknowledged that [Akhmetshin and Veselnitskaya] were probably spies” based on his own knowledge of them.
Important admissions reported by @NatashaBertrand:…
The same day on @ThisWeekABC, candidate Trump essentially admits his Campaign “softened” the platform language on Ukraine.
8. Russian operatives reportedly discuss (a) Russia’s efforts to coordinate with Manafort on the election and (b) Manafort’s encouraging help from the Kremlin
(CNN's @evanperez @PamelaBrownCNN @ShimonPro…

Steele Dossier: the "well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [Trump campaign] and the Russian leadership…was managed on the TRUMP side by the Republican candidate’s campaign manager, Paul MANAFORT.”
(reporting by @politicoalex @EliStokols @ShaneGoldmacher @kenvogel)…

Now just think of what Mueller knows.
Anyone who says there is no evidence of collusion is misleading you.