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Mar 22nd 2019
BREAKING: It is confirmed that the Office of The Special Counsel has turned over the Mueller Report to Ag William Barr this afternoon.
Awaiting further reports. Will update.
2-AG Barr is now reported to be updating Congress and will be reviewing the Report immediately following that. It's expected that Barr could update Congress as early as this weekend.
Read 27 tweets
Jan 26th 2019
Trump: Day 735
-Day 35 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Re-Opens Gov't Without Wall Money
-Called 'Cave Man' by NY Daily News
-Stone Indicted & Arrested by FBI
-Manafort Facing More Time
-Ross Sz 3k Coal Jobs are Essential
-Abrams Named Envoy 2 Venezuela
-Disapproval Polling Climbs to 58%
Day 840 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
In advance of the news regarding today's Roger Stone indictment and arrest, it's important to note that the Stone/WikiLeaks drop began within hours of the Access Hollywood tape.
Read 84 tweets
Jan 25th 2019
12. After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign.


STONE thereafter told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by Organization 1. 13. STONE also corresponded with associates about contacting Organization 1 in order to obtain additional emails damaging to the Clinton Campaign.


Stone told me exclusively that he spoke frequently with a Trump on the phone during the campaign.

He clammed up for ABC and CNN when asked the same after Mueller’s appointment.

Read 4 tweets
Jan 25th 2019
🔥#BREAKING Roger Stone Is Indicted AND Arrested in Mueller Investigation Into Trump Campaign #TrumpRussia
‼️FBI agents arrested Roger Stone at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Longtime adviser to Trump, Stone was charged with 7 counts—obstruction, making false statements and witness tampering—over his communications with WikiLeaks & Dem emails. #TrumpRussia #MuellerInvestigation
Sarah Sanders, seriously: Roger Stone’s arrest and indictment has nothing to do with the president or the WH. Will the same standard apply to others who gave false statements like Hillary Clinton and James Comey? CNN is guilty of collusion. President Trump is tough on Russia.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 25th 2019
BREAKING: Special counsel's office: Trump associate Roger Stone arrested in Florida, charged with witness tampering, other crimes. (Per @AP)
Longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone indicted by special counsel in Russia investigation.

Happy #MuellerFriday everyone!
Anyone who was unsure about #RogerStone before now was not paying attention.

"Holy criminal indictments Batman!" #MuellerFriday
Read 3 tweets
Dec 8th 2018
Analysis | 5 big takeaways from the new Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort filings
#SaturdayMorning #MuellerFriday #CohenSentencingMemo #ManafortMemo…
2-"Federal prosecutors drew some more important lines between Russia and those connected to President Trump on Friday, in a trio of filings in the Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort cases.Beginning late Friday afternoon, we saw Cohen sentencing recommendations filed by both the
3-"Southern District of New York and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s Russia investigation, and a document from Mueller’s team laying out Paul Manafort’s alleged lies to it. In all three, the plot thickened for Trump just a little bit. Below are the big takeaways.
Read 30 tweets
Dec 8th 2018
Wait...did Trump just tweet that today's Mueller filings 'totally clears the President'? Well, read this @realDonaldTrump :
#CohenSentencingMemo #ManafortMemo #MuellerFriday…
2-"At the end of the day Friday, we learned what federal prosecutors in New York think of Michael Cohen: "Federal prosecutors said in a new court filing that President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen should spend significant time in prison — saying his assistance to
3-"investigators probing the president does not outweigh his past crimes.The filing was made Friday as Cohen prepares to be sentenced next week in two separate cases, one involving campaign finance violations and lying to a bank, and another in which he admitted to lying to
Read 16 tweets
Dec 7th 2018
The Manafort filing has been released. It is largely redacted, which is interesting. Read the article..My takeaway from both filings today is that Mueller is closing in, but that he's far from finished. #FridayFeeling…
2-"What Manafort knows
The details of what happened during Manafort's cooperation interviews with the special counsel have been one of the most intensely pursued questions of the Russia probe -- from what Manafort knows, to what happened in recent weeks. Even President Donald
3-"Trump's lawyers have tried to stay in the loop regarding what he and Mueller's team spoke about.Manafort had long been considered the key to several questions central to Mueller's investigation into Russia and the 2016 campaign.Manafort attended the June 2016 campaign meeting
Read 14 tweets
Dec 7th 2018
Michael Cohen sentencing recommend in SDNY today, in a nutshell: The Southern District of New York cited sentencing guidelines of 51 to 63 months in prison when referring to the sentence.Prosecutors asked for a "substantial term of imprisonment."-noted their recommendation be /1
modestly lower than the suggested range of prison time suggested in federal guidelines.Prosecutors also wrote: "While Cohen – as his own submission makes clear – already enjoyed a privileged life, his desire for even greater wealth and influence precipitated an extensive course/2
of criminal conduct."The U.S. attorney's office noted that Cohen's cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe provided information that "was ultimately credible and useful to its ongoing investigation."But, the prosecutors added that "Cohen repeatedly /3
Read 4 tweets
Oct 19th 2018
🤔I can’t help it. Everytime Trump mentions the #Mob I think about his ties to organized crime, the Russian Mafia, Semion Mogilevich, Sex trafficking, money laundering, RICO.. It’s like he can’t help “projecting” his crimes. #MuellerFriday 🔥🔥🔥
💥See, Mogilevich sent Ivankov to buy a condo in Trump Tower for a reason- so he could launder money thru his casinos & real estate. But he never trusts anybody, so he plants ‘bugs’ to keep track of his money. Putin does it too. It’s future Kompromat💥
💥🏙💥Saudia Arabia owns the entire 45th floor of Trump Tower. Imagine what they can hear and what they could see... It’s likely they thought it was a perfect vantage point to watch their pilots fly into the WTC. They bought it just 3 months before 9/11
Read 5 tweets

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