it’s probably selfish to ask for your help. you may only know my planet from its space garbage or psychic toxicity.…
this morning i witnessed a white man screaming at a black man in detroit. i was preparing to give a brief talk, so i finished it with Octavia’s words, “kindness eases change”…
i was born in the US and in my lifetime it has not much improved as an experiment in coexistence. mostly it’s been this same type of black and white interaction, with different clothing on.
i’m sending this message to you through many minds, because my comrades and i do not have access to the space range communication devices on our planet.
there are many ways to look at history, one way is as a scroll of suffering. i wouldn’t want to live at a time before this, even though it’s all going to shit right now.
i am tired of the story of suffering, of being defined and sorted and gathered and deepened by shared suffering.
i will speak for me, i need a break.
all answers welcome…i’m sure you aliens-unseen-&/or-beyondhumans—&spirits/gods/deities—&other-benevolent-entities-aware-of-this-planet will channel it back through human mouths and fingers and i am open to it, i need it.