The way she put it.🙄
"Not really Ma, to treat, we have to break her Hymen. She has IMPERFORATE HYMEN. That's why she hasn't menstruated. Absence of Hymen doesn't make her less a virgin, some are born w/o it🤷"

Her daughter was 17 and had never menstruated. Had never discharged or ovulated.
Did she have monthly cramps? Yes.
She also had a mass just below her abdomen which was burning.
Scan showed a fluid like collection.
Guess what it was....

"Madam, on examination, we discovered your daughter has an imperforate hymen. This means the hymen is blocking the vagina completely and so, nothing coming from up can come down, including her menses and Ovulation discharge, hence the fluid collection

I had some words to say to her, but I just sha took a sip from my zobo bottle.
How was 'Virginity' more important to her than this girl's health?

She began...

So this was were this was leading. Interesting. Bloody bedsheet.
Umunnem, Do I tell her?
Now Listen!👇

Virginity until marriage is Great! I endorse it! It is a choice.
But don't get it twisted, Just as Virginity is not directly proportional to Morality, so it is not to Hymen presence or Availability.

And the amount of blood that will stain ya 'bedsheets' is directly proportional to thickness of the hymen, IF PRESENT at all.
Dear men, No hymen, No blood!

In her case, she had been taken from one herbal Dr to the other with promises of healing from Hormonal Imbalance.
All it took was a Good history taking, Examination and a pelvic scan.
Do not self medicate!
Dear Public, a Virgin is simply one who has not had sexual intercourse with anyone.
If it were Hymen dependent, Guys will have theirs too.
She told you she is a virgin, you are looking for 'Proof', you will wound yasef

If she is a Virgin with a hymen or not, no longer a virgin, all good, as long as she is your choice. Stop judging women by a tiny inelastic material that could snap under light pressure.

It's perfectly normal too.
The hymen can also be lost in people who engage in some certain sports and strenuous activities.
Cherish your 1st time when it's time, don't let anyone ruin it for you.
You might have some apologising to do. Esp in this era when virgins are rare. Use ya head.

Well, as I told mama, we had to operate on her to rupture the hymen and let all the Menstrual fluid that had accumulated for months out.
Patient is fine and still a virgin.

All some women have is their Hymen, character =Zero. Some, both. Some, character. Some, None.
Choose ye first the woman...