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Sleeping Giants @slpng_giants
7 years ago, 4 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
CONFIRMED: @apple has cut ties with Alex Jones and Infowars.
Last week, we asked @Apple how the harassment of Sandy Hook parents and Vegas shooting victims didn’t violate their Terms of Service. Tonight, they decided that it did.

Massive kudos to @Apple for doing what most tech companies have so far refused to do.
Smaller companies with a whole lot more to lose, @Stitcher & @OvercastFM deserve a ton of credit for already doing this before @Apple did tonight, so please check them out and give them your business. They took a bold stance that none of the bigger companies were willing to.
As for @facebook, @YouTube, @spotify and @twitter, this is what it looks like when you enforce your own rules. It’s not hard. It’s actually quite simple. You wrote the Terms Of Service. Now follow them.
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