It was also explosive. If you were paying attention.
Bruce Ohr is going to become more and more important in this investigation. I think people should pay close attention to it. – Devin Nunes…
Point 1 - Declassification
The ongoing push by House Republicans to get President Trump to declassify the redacted pages of the Carter Page FISA Warrant.
Bruce Ohr’s role and the 302’s from his FBI interviews.
Nunes: “Bruce Ohr is going to become a more and more important figure in this.”
This will prove most important.
Exculpatory evidence Nunes has seen - presumably on Carter Page - that should have been presented to the FISA Court and was not.
Remember: There was no Official Intelligence used in opening the FBI's Counterintelligence Investigation.
Nunes: “The media in 2016 had all this information too. So they know that this information was being generated by the Clinton campaign.”
The article contains details on the other points.……
Also included was a less-declassified version of the Grassley Memo.
Grassley's IG letter was sent on 2-28-18
"Additional relevant documents to which the Committee was provided access to review cannot be identified in this unclassified letter. Thus, those documents are detailed more fully in the attached classified memorandum."
For more on Grassley’s questions:…
It was previously known that Bruce Ohr had multiple contacts with Steele in 2016.
Not known (until Grassley’s letter) was this contact continued into 2017 – potentially well into May.…
Clapper signed off on 12-15-16. Lynch finalized on 1-3-17.
This order appears to have been delayed. It had been expected mid-year 2016…
Once signed into effect, Section 2.3 granted broad latitude to inter-agency SHARING of information.
This importance of this needs to be emphasized.…
The interviews run from late November 2016 to mid-May 2017.
Steele and Fusion GPS were apparently working with the Penn Quarter Group during this time.
After the 2016 election.
NUNES: In that the Carter Page FISA – the judges should have been presented with this exculpatory evidence that the FBI and DOJ had.
The FISA Application references an FBI Interview with Page.
To my knowledge, Page was never interviewed by the FBI regarding his status as a spy.
Page also spoke with someone from the FBI regarding that case at this time.
This was the last time Page would speak with the FBI.
Page assisted the FBI in their case against Buryakov.
I suspect the exculpatory evidence may be related to these events.
"You had DOJ, FBI...meeting regularly with Steele."
"You had Bruce Ohr, the #4 at the Department of Justice – who I think is going to become a more and more important figure in this – a lot of the investigators and reporters should be looking closer at Bruce Ohr."
He continually interrupts – generally at crucial points and with information that is often unimportant.
Nunes was forced to talk quickly towards the end.
Imagine what might have been said w/Bartiromo.