He suddenly pops up unannounced (or announced online mere minutes before it happens) in grocery store aisle for 10 minutes to talk to people. That's NOT accessible.
➡️That's another way of hiding from constituents.
He hasn't really held town hall in over 7 years...ones he claims to have held recently were limited to hand-picked people, in hand-picked locations, and hand-picked questions.
➡️Those were NOT real town halls.

You know, the kind of town halls that his constituents set up and try to get him to come to since he refused to hold any on his own.
➡️That's not being accessible.
#PaulsenFail #ProfileInCowardice

Why would his staff be rude to constituents, if Erik cared about them?
➡️That's not being a representative of his constituents.
#MisrepresentativeErikPaulsen #Invertebrate

His district voted for Clinton by +5 in 2016 election.
Erik votes in lockstep with Trump nearly 100% of the time.
➡️I guess the answer is "No."
#MisrepresentativeErikPaulsen #YouCanRunButYouCantHide projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump…
➡️ It's time we got some REAL representation.
#DeanPhillips4Congress #DeanPhillips4MN03