the meeting should begin momentarily

board member reverend don gathers again assuming the role of meeting chair. no one responded to the call for public comment, so we’re getting started & moving on.
the subtext here seems to be that council doesn’t want the CRB to DO anything this year. just write bylaws. they’re kicking the can on police accountability.
john blair seems less reassuring - he asks if they are looking for aggregate data (# and type of complaints) or specific information about individual complaints?
“i know i can FOIA information about the number of complaints. i’ve done that,” she says.
sarah says people who have complaints about police may not be comfortable addressing them WITH THE POLICE.
“we could talk about that as a council, but we’d have to open the process back up and take applications,” says mayor walker.
this is met with loud laughter from the audience.
sarah asks what happens if someone resigns. nikuyah says they’d reopen the application process & start over with a new appointment.
“i don’t think anybody wants that,” says sarah (of council having input on the direction of the board)