"Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge."
and more recently Smale's problems
1) Dark Matter+Energy (vs. MOND)
Does your analytical model treat speed-of-light-in-vacuum as a constant, axiomatically?
Or does that constancy drop out as a theorem from some other axioms?
"Axiomatizing relativistic dynamics without conservation postulates."
by Andréka, Madarász X., Németi, and Székely.
is how our digital tools can help apply this axiomatic thinking to our analysis
and exploration of physics around the big topics like cosmology, e.g. the two
PopSci articles linked earlier in this thread.
from interactive tools:
you over. We want you to stop burning electricity with your mountain of
parallel C code, until you can #ShowUsTheAxioms. (Of course I am kidding,
but do y'all see what I mean?)
"Using Isabelle/HOL to Verify First-Order Relativity Theory" by Stannett and Nemeti, 2014. Full-text PDF can be found on ResearchGate and perhaps elsewhere.
of possible resolutions.