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Jul 19th 2021
A famous newspaper in #Iran, Jamhuri Islami (Islamic Republic), on its front page today printed a bold title: "A Shiite uprising launched in Afghanistan"
The newspaper reports that a new group called "Hashad al-Shiite" (Shiite uprising) has announced its existence in Afghanistan.
"I will command public uprising groups to fight alongside government forces and defend our homeland," Sayed Hassan al-Haydari, the leader of this new movement said in his first speech.
Haydari said that he will defend AFG's unity& sovereignty, with his experience of defending...
...#Shiite holy shrines/places in Iraq and Syria."
This comes as in December 2020, Iranian foreign minister, Javad Zarif, suggested that Afghan government could utilize members of the #Fatemiyoun militia, recruited& used by Iran to fight in Syria, in the fight against terrorism.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 7th 2021
How the 🇮🇱Israeli defense deals with the threat of #Hezbollah's precision missiles.
In its annual report, the Institute for National Security Studies placed the probability of war in #Lebanon in the first place, higher than the Iranian threat. 1
The latest name given by experts to this war, in publications and exercises, is "First Northern War" - assuming the war does not remain #Lebanese. #Syria (and possibly #Iraq) as well: 2
Syria itself may act against Israel to retaliate against Iran and Hezbollah for the generous assistance it provided during the civil war, and missile rockets may be fired from #Shiite militias from Iraq, and perhaps even by the #Houthis in Iran. 3
Read 26 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
The "launches" to the campus, the monitoring of the improvement efforts & the #redline that must not be crossed in the quality & quantity of armaments: this is how the 🇮🇱Israeli defense deals with the threat of #Hezbollah's precision missiles. 1
This is probably one of the few threats that the Israeli public is not fully aware of. A significant strategic threat, which could lead #Israel to launch a pre-emptive strike, even though the pretext is not nuclear weapons. This is also the hottest issue: #Hezbollah missiles! 2
Immediately after the 2ed Lebanon War, ignoring Security Council Resolution 1701, which imposed a full #embargo on arms transfers to #Hezbollah, Hezbollah embarked on a huge logistical op, with billions of $ in #Iranian funding, equipped with tens of thousands of rockets. 3
Read 26 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
1️⃣ #Unit400 is the special forces unit of the #QudsForce, focused on planning and conducting attacks outside #Iran. Within this remit, it also takes responsibility for transferring #military aid to terror and #guerrilla organisations around the world...
2️⃣ and coordinating their activities in order to prepare them to carry out attacks that serve the interests of the Iranian regime...

The HQ of #QudsForce's #Unit400 is in southeast #Tehran (Iran) The office run by the unit commander, Hamed Abdallahi.
3️⃣ Both the #IRGC and #QudsForce have been secretive and #Iran keeps most, if not all, of their activities and resources well guarded. However, given the #military unit’s expansive operations, they developed another section within the organisation for more specialised operations.
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Jan 11th 2020
#Iran admits downing a civilian jetliner #PS752 after calling the US and others claim as 'psychological warfare'.

Ops Martyr #Soliemani has been a sobering wakeup call for #Tehran.

11 revenge scenarios yet to be realised while some 200 Iranians already dead, stampede included.
Religious fanatics - in #India and #Iran both - failed to act professionally in brief, offensive battles.

Both #Delhi and #Tehran made catastrophic decisions.

After initial denial, both had to admit failure.

The world isn't safe with #RSS, #Shiite extremists in power.

#Iran can't get away by scapegoating a low-ranking official, downing an enemy plane is never a tactical decision. An officer of the level of major general or brigadier would have approved and directed. Allowing field commanders to act on their own proves lack of professionalism.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 8th 2019
9. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq

#Iraq #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren
1. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼…
2. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼
Read 113 tweets

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