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Apr 28th 2021
I’m always intrigued when British people who are (supposedly) self-declared friends of Ireland call for #Irexit.

- A short thread on what would immediately happen -

#Irexit would have all the problems of Brexit multiplied because of its smaller size, but that isn’t even the worst of it.

The worst thing would be everyone would assume Ireland would leave the EURO. Because how & why would you stay inside EURO but outside the EU?

& then..

So if everyone assumes Ireland would leave the EURO why would anyone keep any savings or cash in Irish banks?

To protect the EURO value of your savings you would simply transfer these to other EU state accounts before your money was converted into as yet unknown currency.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
No @LeaveEUOfficial the Irish government didn't knock you offline and neither did @nealerichmond - the reason is probably way simpler:
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion in the media about this story. @alexhern wrote about it last night for @guardian and repeated some weird inaccuracies which is unfortunate. First off the domain is registered to a company not to a person
That's important. Legally there's a big difference between registering an asset to an individual (natural person) vs to a company (legal person).
In the case of .eu domains they can be registered to either BUT the public whois will clearly show this:…
Read 35 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
#AntiVax Conspiracy Hoaxer Jim Corr @Jimcorrsays - he of the Corrs @TheCorrsMUsic - is defending a #Fascist Rally in #Dublin (one which is being hosted under the false guide of something to do with paedophilia, as usual). And attacking those who try to counter it. Image
@Jimcorrsays @TheCorrsMUsic He routinely posts hoaxes about Vaccines, #Covid19, Anti-Mask, persecution of the Irish by immigrants, Mossad, and #LGBT.

Perhaps at this point 'Jim' would like the opportunity to clarify his views. Image
@Jimcorrsays @TheCorrsMUsic Of course there simply IS no 'Rally against Paedophila' in #Dublin.

it's a #Trump / #QAnon #Homophobe's Day Out, by Hermann Kelly - ex #Ukip, ex #IRA, now an #Irexit loon.

Why Jim Corr would chose to throw his lot in with these Far Right Extremists, only he can explain. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Feb 3rd 2018
Today’s the day. Stay tuned
These lads (from the Anti Imperialist Ireland group) are pro-#Irexit but are here to protest against “British imperialist” Nigel Farage. #Irexit
A man from Sussex, now living in Ireland, says immigration is why he wants #Irexit. “Are you not an immigrant?”
“I don’t regard Ireland as a foreign country.”
Read 52 tweets

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