NB note the balanced panels throughout. That’s what happens when the organising committee has 5 women, 6 men on it. #IFS2018
Speakers from @beisgovuk, @RainNewtonSmith of the @cbi , Alex Altmann (who is German) from @BlickRothenberg and @tonydanker from Be the Business.
(Slide is from a published paper so not breaking Chatham House Rule)

Education and training seems to be a large part. More focus on skills than theoretical degrees?
Is the status of working in industry higher in Germany, I wonder? Think how highly their engineers are regarded.
How do we change attitudes and culture?
But IMO (not something the speaker said) in the U.K., mistrust between management and unions (“them and us”) is a barrier.
Challenge accepted!
Something was going wrong with diffusion of best practice.
@tonydanker at #IFS2018
Aim is to unite the business community around solving the productivity gap.
@tonydanker at #IFS2018
1. Brexit - ask how Britain will compete for talent after April 2019?
Eg loss of staff in hospitality sector in Cornwall has already happened.
McKinsey - leadership is key.
Policy community does not generally understand this (@beisgovuk is working hard on this).
Think about incentives for firms.
@tonydanker #IFS2018
Cf education - the head teacher is key.
Lots of work on supply side but how can demand side be switched on? Need independent, buyer-focused service.
@tonydanker #IFS2018
Is the balance of power between local/state government a positive factor in Germany? Competition between regions in Germany eg via Trade tax.
Ie how do we balance London vs Regions - not about reducing London, but increasing strengths of local regions eg improving transport. #IFS2018
Lots of effort is wasted getting kids ready for stuff which goes out of date (eg how to use Excel) - need to focus on resilience and adaptability.
Beginning to be more discussion among kids about technical education #IFS2018
Current workforce and management skills more important than education system ATM. #IFS2018
Invest in people so they have the skills to work anywhere, but want to stay where they are.
Wider point about how to engage with employees is key.
U.K. headline rate is low and does play a role in attracting FDI. But perhaps need to provide more incentives for capital investment.
Interesting question! #IFS2018