Editors are like anyone else, there are great ones and terrible ones, and some that are just very harried and trying to get by.
When you get a great one, KEEP THEM.
Some of the best are like the best FX artist, if they are good, you don't see their work.
Because they hadn't really had someone in that position, I had some questions of how people, particularly editors, might handle having another voice in the mix.
I'm telling you, I have never met a more positive, creative, intelligent, and committed group of editors, anywhere.
They're mostly female, mostly younger, but with astonishing credentials and passion. I LOVE THEM ALL.
And I have worked with some wonderful editors at almost all the major companies, but never anywhere where everyone is LISTENED to in this same way.
I genuinely am thrilled and honored to work with people like this.
For now, watch for books by the names I've listed. You'll see what I mean, it just feels fresh and vital. Which is lovely!