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Apr 19th 2023
In many old #Shanghai photos, you can see this statue standing in the bund. It is not there anymore. Who is she, and what happened to her? A 🧵 👇 (1) Image
Long story short, it's a #WWI memorial erected in 1924. The puppet government took it down during the Japanese occupation in #WWII . Rumor says it was melted for Japanese war purposes. It was not. (2) Image
Prof. Robert Bickers wrote a great article on it if you want to know more in detail.… I want to add a little backstory, not in that article - about how the Angel was found. (3)
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Apr 6th 2023

Congress formally declared war against the German Empire on 6 April 1917 bringing America into WWI which had been raging in Europe for almost 4 years. The United States later declared war on Austria-Hungary on 7 Dec 1917. Image
On 31 January 1917, Count Johann von Bernstorff, Germany's Ambassador to the United States, notified U.S. Secretary of State Robert Lansing of his country's intention to resume unrestricted submarine warfare the following day.
In response, Pres Wilson addressed Congress on 3 Feb to announce that he had severed diplomatic relations with Germany. Throughout Feb and Mar German submarines attacked and sank several U.S. flag vessels resulting in the loss of many American passengers and merchant seamen. Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
#WomensHistoryMonth 2023 is coming to a close. I hope you enjoyed my daily tweets about #WomenWarReporters in the #FirstWorldWar as much as I did. You can re-read the short biographies in the thread below. Stay tuned for more research on fascinating women journalists during #WWI!
Read 33 tweets
Mar 24th 2023

A shortage of experienced English-speaking switchboard operators during WWI opened the door to service for bilingual American women (dubbed “Hello Girls”) who wished to support the U.S. Army’s war effort.
#Armyhistory #USArmy #TRADOC Image
When the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) landed in France in 1917, GEN John J. Pershing found that the French women serving as switchboard operators spoke little English, making communication between U.S. headquarters almost impossible.

#WWI #WW1 #WW1History @USArmySMA
Bilingual American women filled the gap, joining the AEF as switchboard operators and run the command’s telephone networks. 223 of the approximately 7,000 applicants were selected and became known as the “Hello Girls.”

#WomensHistoryMonth #MilitaryHistory #Diversity Image
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Mar 14th 2023

An increasing number of border incidents early in 1916 culminated in an invasion of American territory on 9 March, when Francisco (Pancho) Villa and his band of 500 to 1,000 men raided Columbus, New Mexico.

#Armyhistory #USArmy
The U.S. government took immediate steps to organize a punitive expedition of about 10,000 men under Brigadier General John J. Pershing to capture Villa. American troops crossed the border into Mexico on 14 March.

#MexicanExpedition #WWI #MilitaryHistory #PanchoVilla #Pershing
Pershing's orders required him to respect the sovereignty of Mexico, and the Mexican Government and people resented the invasion. Advanced elements of the expedition penetrated as far as Parral, some 400 miles south of the border, but Villa was never captured.
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Mar 12th 2023
"WAR TIME" or better known as Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins tonight as we "Spring Forward" one hour!! The idea for DST first began as early as the 1700's as a way to maximize daylight working hours and later into the early 1900's as a way to save electricity and coal.
It was the Germans during #WWI who first practiced DST on April 30, 1916 as a way to conserve electricity for the war effort. The British who had been considering it for years followed a few weeks later.

#Armyhistory #USArmy #TRADOC #DaylightSavingsTime #DST #MilitaryHistory
When America entered the war they also adjusted to DST in March of 1918 but it was so despised that it was repealed by President Wilson in 1919.

@USArmy @TRADOC @TradocCG @SecArmy @ArmyChiefStaff @FORSCOM
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Mar 4th 2023
On the site of today's Graz Airport in Austria is where the world's first concentration camp once stood: Thalerhof.

During #WWI, #Thalerhof was known as the cruellest torture chamber of all Austrian prisons in the Habsburg Empire.

Who was kept there and what was their crime?
Their only crime was being Russian.
The Austro-Hungarian authorities imprisoned leaders of the Russophile movement among Carpatho-Rusyns, Lemkos, and Galicians; those who recognized the Russian language as the literary standard form of their own Slavic language varieties and had sympathy for the Russian Empire.
Read 43 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023

The late Soviet leader Mikhail #Gorbachev warned — echoing President #Eisenhower — that the “greatest danger to the world is the military industrial complex.”

The first concentration camp: #Thalerhof — where thousands of Russians (and those merely suspected of Russian allegiance) were tortured, starved, and murdered in #WWI.

My full interview with Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy @Dpol_un.

Posted in 3 parts. (See thread for links)

Part 1: End of the #ColdWar: #Reagan, #Gorbachev, Perestroika, Winds of Change, the fall of the #USSR.…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 25th 2023

Despite the racism of his time, COL Young forged a stellar career in the late-19th to early-20th century U.S. Army, although promotion to BG was withheld from him for racist reasons.

Born into slavery in 1864, Young grew up in Ohio and attended an integrated high school, where he excelled. He attended West Point, becoming the third Black cadet to graduate despite the hostility of many of his peers.
#USArmy #TRADOC #BuffaloSoldier #WWI #IndianWars
Young served in the 9th and 10th Cav. at various western posts, rising to the rank of CPT. He taught military science at Wilberforce University, served two tours in the Philippines, became the first Black superintendent of a national park, and was a foreign military attaché.
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Feb 12th 2023
How did Ukranian #Nazi collaborators and war criminals become regarded as “heroes” both in modern day #Ukraine and the entire Western world?

In this thread we will unpack the strange mythology Ukranians (and their Western intelligence handlers) created to cover-up their crimes. Image
This thread is sourced from a Graduate History Thesis published in October 2022 by Liam Hilferty, University of Vermont.

His thesis is 150 pages long. I will summarize it here with highlights and provide a link at the end for further reading.

Let us begin… 🧵 Image
Hilferty’s interest in writing his Graduate Thesis on the #NazisInUkraine began when he saw this tweet from the Russian Embassy of #Canada 🇨🇦 in Oct. 2017: Image
Read 40 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
In the September 8, 1919 New York Times, the president of the Ukrainian Association of Jews warned US President Woodrow Wilson of the coming genocide that had already begun in #Ukraine.

He correctly predicted the exact number — 6 million — who would die in the #Nazi #Holocaust.
These crimes of 1918-19 were not committed against Ukrainian Jews by Germans.

They were committed BY Ukrainian nationalists who over the next 2 decades would join forces with Nazi Germany.

This was the forgotten Holocaust before the Holocaust.

200,000 Jews were slaughtered between 1917-21 in #Ukraine — by any metric, a genocide.

Yet these pogroms are not even talked about by the #Holocaust Museums in the United States and Jerusalem.

It is vitally relevant to what happened in #WWII, and in today’s #UkraineRussiaWar.
Read 35 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
This Master Thread 🧵 is a collection of my deep dives into 20th Century HIDDEN HISTORY, sourced from declassified documents 🗄 and films 🎥 in US government archives.

#WWI #WWII #FDR #ColdWar #JFK #RFK #MLK #LBJ #JFKFiles #ColdWar #CIA #FBI #USSR #SovietUnion #Ukraine #Nazis
Read 88 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
Good morning Twitter! I'm back! Profile and DMs are fully restored. Now to share with you the images that seem to have got be banned (when Tweeted in a thread including a right wing Ukrainian journalist at the Kiev Post who had blocked me for tweeting our wsws article on Ukraine)
The jorno took offence to my characterization of Ukrainian nationalism as being dependent upon world #imperialism. But facts are facts. Here's a primary source - from the WWII report of the Vice US Consul to #Poland about the tight relationship between #OUN-M and the #Nazis.
Next, a declassifed 1946 #CIA secret history of the #Ukrainian #Nationalists since #WWI, used to brief the OSS in 1946 about possible recruitment of #Ukrainian ex-Nazis into the OSS, later the #CIA. #OUN was subordinate to #German #military #intelligence since the early 1920s.
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Nov 30th 2022
I've missed out on a lot of events this year due to #breastcancer, which means I've missed opportunities to engage with readers about my new book, #TheFacemaker. So, let me take a moment to tell you more about this book, which took me five years to research and write.👇 /1 Two books covers. On the le...
From the moment the first machine gun rang out over the Western Front, one thing was clear: Europe’s military technology had wildly surpassed its medical capabilities. Bodies were battered, gouged, hacked, and gassed.

Never before had the world faced such slaughter. /2 A black and white photo of ...
Stretcher-bearers could rarely step onto a battlefield without becoming a target. Their mortality rates were extraordinarily high. When Private W. Lugg picked up an injured man, it took him ten hours to travel 400 meters. Wheeled carts were mostly useless on blasted terrain. /3 A black and white photo of ...
Read 23 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
🧵 Is the American Dream dead? - a tweetstorm

This is a brain dump of .@RaoulGMI's 30+ years of knowledge, how the world works, and how his macro framework fits into it all ⤵️
1/ There's no denying that we're in a mess!

By the Law of Unintended Consequences, every time we try to fix A, we create problems B, C, D, E, etc.

We hardly understand these new problems unless there's hindsight to connect the dots...

So, how the hell did we get here?

Let's start by looking at the peak of the #British Empire:

It was the world's largest realm. But as with every empire, trying to control so many people across the globe has its price & #debt weakened its structure...
Read 81 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
"We expect it will be fishing vessels that damaged the cable but it is very rare that we have two problems at the same time."

And just like that, Shetland goes offline.

Pay attention to subsea cables. Putin does.… Communications to Shetland have been completely shut down af
2/ Shetland is connected via SHEFA-2 (SHEtland-FAroes).

If the Mainland-Shetland cable is cut (e.g happened in 2014 near Orkney), backup routing *is* available:

SHEFA-2 to Faroe Islands, then to UK via FARICE-1 backhaul (Faroe & Iceland)

But double breaks = no backup route.
3/ Fishing damage to subsea cables is a big thing.

Bottom trawlers are a common offender.

They can snag surface laid cable segments + gear & make a mess.

They can also muck up marine habitats, as this @MontereyAq video illustrates.
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Oct 17th 2022
🇫🇷1914-1915 Boirault “Anti-Barbed-Wire” Machine🇫🇷

#war #wwi #ww1 #invention #oldinvention
The Boirault Machine was an early French experimental landship, designed in 1914 and built in early 1915. It has been considered as "another interesting ancestor of the tank", and described as a "rhomboid-shaped skeleton tank without armour, with single overhead track".
Ultimately, the machine was deemed impractical and was nicknamed Diplodocus militaris. It preceded the design and development of the English Little Willie tank by six months.
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Sep 24th 2022
🚂 @PKP_SA celebrates its 96th birthday 🎂🎉 #OTD 26.09 the 🇵🇱 state railways were established.

Here's a little #history🧵on its origins (for all #train buffs & railfans)

#PolishHistory #Poland #History #railway #travel #tourism
Although much of the infrastructure within the borders of newly-independent 🇵🇱 had been destroyed during #WWI, 🇵🇱 was very quick to reestablish its railways. New lines sprang up allowing for economic development and integration.
The railways and their unification was not an easy task as some had to be rebuilt to standardise tracks across the lands of the former partitions. Finance was also a major issue: foreign capital was sought – to little avail.
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Sep 8th 2022
Germany’s strategic blunders in its relationship with #Russia are currently hurting all of Europe. We take a look at the parallel relationship between #Germany and #Turkey and the real risks this poses for the West. A thread by #theHELC #NoSubsForTurkey 1/17 Image
The German / Turkish relationship dates from before #WWI, when the #YoungTurks turned to Germany as the most plausible international ally for their decomposing Empire. A secret treaty between the two powers was concluded on August 2, 1914 2/17
The German #Kaiser #WilhelmII visited the #OttomanEmpire three times in total, pledging to the Sultan and the '300 million Mohammedans scattered over the globe and revering in him their caliph, that the German Emperor will be and remain at all times their friend' 3/17 Image
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Aug 29th 2022
- The history of the Ferrari logo 🧵-

The story of the Ferrari prancing horse logo is tied to military history and especially the history of military aviation (1/7) #svagaiature #Ferrari #History #Historia #WWI #WW1 #Aviation #AeronauticaMilitare
The prancing horse was in-fact the insignia of the Italian WWI aviation ace Francesco Baracca, one of the greatest pilots of Italian history, who was shot down during a mission in 1918 (2/7)
That insignia was a symbol of speed and audacity, a black horse on a white back, renown in all of Italy. Baracca became a legend especially in his home region, Emilia Romagna, the same of Enzo Ferrari (3/7)
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Aug 19th 2022
#BuildingInFocus A cobbled #Norfolk alley shelters England’s last surviving Hanseatic warehouse. 'Hanse House' was a trading post for the Hanseatic League - a confederation of #medieval merchants. Built in 1475, when #KingsLynn was England's most important port... 🧵

In 1505, 40+ German merchants were trading raw materials and luxury goods out of Lynn. But in 1561 they began to lease the buildings to local families. In 1751, a wealthy brewer purchased the complex, adding a Georgian townhouse... 🧵

📷Alienturnedhuman; Public domain, Wikimedia
The townhouse saw many uses: girls’ school (from 1880); surgeon's house (1891) & #WWI army officers' quarters. It previously housed @NorfolkCC, who restored ity in 1969 & secured Grade I listing in 1972. The complex now houses a variety of businesses.

📷Poppyland Publishing
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Jul 27th 2022
🧵In a lot of American histories of #WWI campaigns, we hear of complaints that the French moved too slowly, causing undue casualties. A prime case study of that is the 1st and 2nd Division at Soissons. A recent history stated of the 19 July attack of the 6th Marines that;... Image
"The final hindrance for the 6th Marines was perhaps the most important. Once again, the 1st Moroccan Division, tasked with the mission of protecting the Marines’ left flank, failed to advance, as did the 38th Division on the right.
This combination of dire news meant that the #USMC and French tankers were attacking without coordinated artillery or air support, or support on either flank; moving across open wheat fields with little or no cover..."
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Jul 8th 2022
Why are there so many #WWI memorials in #KansasCity ? Outside of our own @TheWWImuseum, there are dozens, small and large covering KS and MO. A lot of it has to do with the 5-day experience of the 35th Division in Sept 1918. Let's look at it through KC newspapers of the time. 🧵
Over the course of that time, the 35th would suffer more casualties than all units on Omaha Beach on #Dday combined. As a National Guard formation, it came under criticism for its performance from regular officers. Politicians in MO and KS eventually became involved.
On both sides of the state line, questions arose. Particularly from Kansas governor Henry Justin Allen, who pressured the War Department for answers.
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Jun 28th 2022
Established as the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) on 28 June 1918 during #WWI, the Chemical Corps was originally tasked with delivering chemical weapons against the enemy.

#Armyhistory Image
In #WWII CWS units assumed a variety of non-chemical warfare related missions, including incendiary weapons like flame throwers and flame tanks, smoke generation, and chemical mortar battalions firing high explosive, illumination and smoke rounds.

#ChemicalCorps @TRADOC @USArmy
On 2 Aug 1946, the CWS was re-designated the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. The post-war corps assumed responsibility for biological warfare (BW) defense and relinquished its mortars to the infantry after the Korean War.

#VictoryStartsHere #JoinUs #ServeWithUs Image
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