(i’ve seen pictures of some flooding in other parts of town, but i didn’t encounter any downtown. the albemarle county school board meeting is off.)
charlene green (staff, not on the commission) from the office of human rights is addressing interim city manager mike murphy & councilors hill, signer, and galvin.
city attorney john blair is in the audience.
i’m unable to locate an agenda for tonight’s work session...
ann says “we’re really just getting started...” on bias-based policing

heather is responding pretty hotly to the idea this is council’s fault.
kathy: “the onus is on the candidate to be responsible.”
(they are missing 8 members of their 9 member body tonight)
heather asks, point blank, “what output do you have?”
heather pushes again, asking why they didn’t request more spots be filled in the last round of appointments.
kathy cuts the exchange off: “we want more product. how do we help you provide that?”
heather/kathy doing bad cop/good cop tonight (and there are no good cops)
“what we do here in charlottesville is not what any other commission does.” (ok but what is that?)
charlene: “if you’re just talking about outreach & getting the word out, that offer is extended to any group...”
“we do that sort of thing all the time.”
wes: “that’s part of it - why do we hear that & it’s not coming before the commission?”
mike murphy intervenes as it starts to get heated.
they refer housing complaints to PHA (though the ordinance allows them to investigate) and employment complaints to EEOC. they are basically an info desk?
the city attorney cringed visibly.