Bhautik - Indriyas
Daivik - manas
Adhyatmik- ahamkāra and mahat/buddhi
Diff composition of 3 guNas on each level. Ayurveda deals with guNa-imbalance on bhautik level. @DrPareexitS
It is not chārvāka in its outlook. Its aim is to improve “Ojas” of the body. Ojas is “chetan”.
@hahahaokk @Hiranyareta @DrPareexitS @onkarmantra
Here buddhi and ātman has only one problem: their bondage with purusha which giving rise to this endless karma-phala-karma cycle.
Liberation from this bondage, this cycle is the only “tāpa” on ātmik plane.
How manipulate the guNas here to achieve desired goal?
To answer this, there is shāstra of yoga.
The underlying scaffolding of guNas-prakruti-purusha-karma siddhānta etc is sānkhya in origin.
Medicines are methods. Aim of āyurveda philosophy is to keep the balance. Balance of doshas in right proportion (as per individual’s prakruti) is defined as “health”.
Very different approach at most basic level
But it is also much more than science.
Pratyaksha pramāNa exists in jyotish and yoga too. But on that plane. One has to be receptive enough to catch them.
Not all physical problems are physical in origin. Increasingly so these days with microbes being less troublesome.