Headline: "Desperate #HurricaneMichael Survivors Ask: When Is Help Coming?
Source: weather.com/storms/hurrica…
These people view the pyramid upside down. FEMA is NOT a first responder. YOU are.

I've spent years personally & professionally studying emergency management best practices.
Car broken down? Nowhere to go? No money? Couldn't convince a loved one to leave?
Excuses, not reasons.
Help came when charities & govt set up shelters all over, free, no immigration questions asked, & many of them took pets.
Help came when Cat 4 storm survivors told you what Day 4 would be like.
I have heard every excuse so don't bother.
How dare you demand responders visit you when they're still pulling out bodies.
You expect a personal visit ahead of them?
You then have the nerve to criticize.
Some reckless idiot failed them.
I got no warning of the earthquake that changed my life & ended others. Think about it. You are blessed to have warning of storms.
Then neighbors, charities, private sector, community, county, state, THEN FEMA, which co-ordinates & facilitates county & state resources.
If you blame FEMA or other federal entities eg the POTUS, then you are an idiot.