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Jun 12th 2023
@iltasanomat #Vantaa-#HellOnEarth
'Pahoinpitelyn jälkeen nuorisoporukka poistui paikalta juosten kohti Länsimäen kirkkoa.
Rikosnimikkeinä toimii tällä hetkellä törkeä #ryöstö ja törkeä #pahoinpitely.'
@iltasanomat @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Koraani.
#IslaminPerusteet - #mus­limi on määrätty #taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #väärä­uskoisia vastaan.
Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa #sotilaal­linen toiminta #islam'ssa on.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
1. @France24_en takes issue with Hindus being armed to stop beign attacked by western armed and Pakistan backed Islamic fascists intent on exterminating Hindus.…
2. That is hardly surprising because France itself backed Tipu Sultan, rescued Mufti al-Husayni from Nuremberg Trials, gave asylum to Khomeini and has @jaffrelotc its very own Hindu-hating left-wing white racist type denigrating Hindus…
3. Meanwhile France is arming far right Islamic terrorists in its former African colonies…
Read 5 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
BIG : Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), a #terrorists organization to which Atiq Ahmed's links were being told, declared gangster Atiq Ahmed 'martyr' in its latest 7 page #magazine.

(AQIS) have also threatened attacks in India over the murder of #AtiqueAhmad Image
As we all know Al-Qaeda's Indian Subcontinent wing (AQIS) weekly publishes magazine, in its latest magazine they declared gangster Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf as "martyrs" and also threatens revenge by a terror attack in India.
#Jihad #Terroristattack Image
This proves that Gangster Atiq Ahmad was not limited in Dacoit or land grabbing but he was also linked with Terrorists Organisations like Al-Qaeda and Jaish-e-Mohammed.

So he was a terrorist also.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
Mais quelle surprise ! Pour faire taire @Maaroufi9 , la menace du #jihad judiciaire . Par 1 fan de l’ex #CCIF (aujourd’hui #CCIE). Et fervent soutien de l’imam #IsmaïlMarseille lorsqu’il a prêché que « tuer 100 personnes est moins grave que de manquer une #prière #fajr … » 👇 ImageImage
2- Définition du #jihad judiciaire dans un État de droit 🤔: « Des citoyens musulmans qui demandent justice » 🤔 Image
3- Rhétorique islamiste : #islamophobie d’Etat , loi 1905 et liberté d’expression : «  les Musulmans sont aussi des citoyens … » ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Apr 14th 2023
¹. Que soutenez-vous lorsque vous défendez :

Connecté au #FPLP, condamné parce que terroriste

Connecté au FPLP, il avait déposé une bombe dans le syna de Copernic (devant les tribunaux)

Terroriste, qui a assassiné 2 diplo ImageImageImageImage
². ℹ️ Lorsque vous les soutenez et leur donnez la parole, vous bafouez les droits de l'Homme et nourrissez la haine et le terrorisme.

Le FPLP n'est autre qu'une organisation terroriste, tout comme le #Hamas, le #Jihad islamique et l’#EI.
³. Terrorisme - Hamouri
C'est quoi le FPLP ?
Le lien entre les associations qui promeuvent le BDS et les organisations terroristes
FPLP et l’Europe
Le FPLP… Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista '#Preventing' #Grooming in the #HappiestCountry
The #Oulu #rapecrisis.
"Stop, don't touch me there." | 2y
Oulun kaupunki laittoi 2,5 miljoonaa euroa Turvallinen Oulu -hankkeeseen, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä uskonsoturien tuomaa seksuaalirikollisuutta.
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista #Islam'in perusteet
- #muslimi on määrätty taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #vääräuskoisia vastaan. Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa sotilaal­linen toi­minta #islam'issa on.
Read 18 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
In his speech in Khost Province, the Taliban's deputy leader& acting minister of interior Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani said that "Today, when we are assigned to this service (leading the government), we should see it as a responsibility. We should not make out of 20 years of our...… Image
...#Jihad, a #Mafia, to take privileges from it. These conditions are not tolerable. If yesterday I had one responsibility, today have other. My responsibility today is to bring people closer to me and look at their shortcomings with a reformative view and cover up their wounds."
As part of self-criticism, Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani said that we (Taliban's leadership) are such arrogant that "challenging, exclusivity and defamation of the entire system (Islamic Emirate) is now our initiative and opinion".
His remarks reflect the dissatisfication of the ...
Read 7 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
#Maroccogate #Qatargate: il caso degli espulsi-fantasma per #terrorismo. Poche note, per ora, ma con contenuti sconcertanti. A questo link abbiamo informazioni e dati sulle espulsioni dall’#Italia per legami sospetti con la #Jihad tra il 2015 e il ‘18. 1/…
Dall’indagine apprendiamo che la maggior parte delle espulsioni ha riguardato il Nord Africa, con il Marocco in testa con 110 espulsioni. A questo link abbiamo un esempio di questi casi, in un comunicato ufficiale del ministero italiano dell’Interno. 2/…
È il luglio del 2017. Enzo Amendola è sottosegretario agli Affari Esteri dal gennaio 2016 e ha già firmato un importante partenariato con il #Marocco, che conosce bene anche perché la moglie Karima Moual, giornalista emigrata in Italia negli anni ‘90, è di là. Si sono 3/
Read 23 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
#BreakingNews: In a first, #Jammu Police recovered Perfume IED from LeT (Lashkar-e-Taiba) Jihadi Terrorist, Arif in connection with Narwal Blasts 🙆‍♂️

The IED will blast if anyone tries to press or open it

#Jihad #Terrorist #Perfume #PerfumeIED
#Jammu, DGP Shri Dilbag Singh said that Arif, who is a govt. employee, was working for terrorist organisation for past 3 years. #JammuAndKashmir police arrested Aarif in #Narwal double blast case. A perfume IED from Arif has been recovered.
(Immediately terminate him from Job)
#JammuAndKashmir police arrest govt teacher #Arif involved in twin blasts in Jammu’s Narwal; recover perfume IED from him

#Jihad #Terrorist #PerfumeIED
Read 8 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
🚨🇮🇱 #Israele. Almeno cinque persone uccise in una sparatoria nel quartiere di Neve Yaakov a #Gerusalemme. Tensione alle stelle.
L'assalitore avrebbe preso di mira una sinagoga. Il bilancio delle vittime è in aumento: Channel 12 parla di 8 morti. Il terrorista sarebbe stato "neutralizzato".

🚨🇮🇱#Hamas plaude all'attentato alla sinagoga a #Gerusalemme. Condanna degli Stati Uniti: "Attacco spaventoso".
Read 13 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
#Lützerath. German police oust climate activists after clashes near #coal mine | Jan 16
- The village is owned by energy firm #RWE, and the last resident moved out over a year ago
RWE said the coal under the village would be needed as early as this winter.…
#Germany: anti-coal #activists demonstrate in #Lützerath | 14 janv.
- #Thunberg arrested..
- Eleven police officers were injured, including two with work stoppages. A few criminal charges have been filed for resisting law enforcement and damaging property… Image
#CoalMine #Germany: Climate activist G. #Thunberg taken away by #police in #Lützerath | Jan 16
- Thunberg was arrested
- officers cleared around 300 #militants from the western German hamlet of Lützerath…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
@MikkonenKrista #Islamistit ja lapsensa eivät kokaan tule kristittyyn maahan 'kotoutumaan' tai 'sopeutumaan, vaan tuhoamaan ja tappamaan - Insallah.
#Soros #Jihadists without IDs were attracted to #Finland with the #best #socialbenefits in #Europe.
@MikkonenKrista #MILITIAMEN INFILTRATE EU SHORES | Nov 19, 2019
- Miltias who have used the Refugee influx to present themselves as #Refugees Image
Read 30 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
The mercenaries who are planning/carrying out explosions in Mosques, Madrassas, Hospitals& similar targets& name it  Istishhadi Operations, are neither Afghans, nor Muslims&not even humans. Fighting against them, in any possible way, is the holiest& greatest #Jihad...
The evidences acheived from the failed attack against Eman Mosque showing that the leadership& coordination center of destructive ops in AFG, shifted from #Kabul to #Dushanbe. In recent few weeks, the attacks against Eman Mosque, PAK embassy&Chinese Hotel, all were carried out...
... by the same group of #Tajikistani nationals, under leadership of a Tajikistani terrorist. A heritage of occupation to our oppressed nation is the production& import of some groups, that are mainly #targeting #mosques, imams, worshipers, holy places, #religious_leaders& so on.
Read 3 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
#jihadisme 🇧🇪Le #recruteur #JeanLouisYahyaDenis a des contacts avec des #jihadistes #EI au profil inquiétant en #Europe et ds les camps #Syrie. Il parcourt pourtant les rues #Bruxelles à la rencontre des #jeunes pour jouer à des #Quizz et leur offrir des livres #salafistes 👇1/
2-#jihadisme 🇧🇪Sous prétexte de projets #hijra et #village #musulman : #JeanLouisDenis récolte #dons, #endoctrine , recrute #telegram ,vend des ouvrages #radicaux. 🔴Prévoit 1 « vente spéciale » pr #NawaEditions , maison d’éditions dissoute par @GDarmanin pour #apologie #jihad 👌
3- Le #recruteur #jihad 🇧🇪#JeanLouisDenis le #Soumis Parmi les livres dont il fait la promotion dans les rues et sur les réseaux sociaux : 🔴« La voie du #musulman » #AlDjazairi … 👇
Read 6 tweets
Sep 18th 2022
Leicester,UK : Muslims Provoking Hindus by reading Namaz on Road in Hindu dominant areas under Police protection

#HindusUnderAttackInUK #HindusUnderAttack #Hinduphobia
Hindus marching through the streets of #Leicester, England chanting “Jai Shri Ram” after repeated provocations & violent threats from Muslim mobs.

#HindusUnderAttackInUK #HindusUnderAttack #HinduHateinUK #Hinduphobia #BanNamazInPublicPlaces
#IslamizationOfUK : Hindu Mandir Swaminarayan Temple targeted by groups of Muslims fanatics in #LeicesterCity, Police is standing around mutely watching peaceful(?) vandalisation @10DowningStreet @trussliz

#HindusUnderAttackInUK #HindusUnderAttack #HinduHateinUK #Hinduphobia
Read 5 tweets
Aug 5th 2022
Cosa sta succedendo a #Gaza?

L'esercito israeliano - nel corso dell'operazione denominata "Breaking dawn" - ha ucciso il comandante della #Jihad islamica palestinese nel nord della Striscia Tayasir Jabari. Insieme a lui sono morti altri 14 membri dell'organizzazione.
Il ministero della sanità di #Gaza traccia per ora un bilancio, destinato a salire, di 8 morti e 40 feriti.
Tra le vittime c'è anche una bambina di 5 anni.
"Arrivo di un nuovo giorno": così si può tradurre Breaking dawn. Aggiungo io: un nuovo giorno (e forse molti di più) di tensione, è quello che attende il #MedioOriente.
Il portavoce militare di #Israele ha infatti annunciato che "una allerta speciale" è stata dichiarata sul
Read 21 tweets
May 23rd 2022
Pfizer CEO admits "THEY" sold him on #mRNA even though it never produced one product.
World governments would follow suit.
100% experimental gene therapy with no history.
FOIA docs reveal crimes against humanity.
Here's your @pfizer board members who make all the decisions.
And here's your @pfizer #FOIA Data Dump Box with all the incriminating evidence you could ask for.
Read 11 tweets
May 17th 2022
Il secondo #Thread di oggi riguarderà un signore di nome #DUGIN, il capo della Rep. di #Donetsk #Pushilin e P. #Gubarev ex capo di Stato della #RepubblicaPopolare di #Donetsk
Questo perchè, dopo aver ascoltato tante accuse di "#nazismo" rivolte ad un popolo (gli ucraini), è necessario iniziare a fare un po' di ordine.
Sul battaglione #WAGNER, che combatte insieme ai #Jihadisti in #Mali e #Centrafrica [2diN]
vedi anche… e che combatte in #Ucraina è già stato detto molto. E solo un sordo può ostinarsi a non capire che #wagner sia un #battaglione ispirato a principi di estrema destra, come del resto lo è #Azov. [3diN]
Read 25 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
Some of the Similarities between the #Jews and #Raafidah:
The Jews say:"It is not correct that a King come from a progeny other than Dawud.
The Raafidah say: "It isn't correct that leadership is from anyone other than the Sons of Ali"
The Jews say: There is no Jihad...1
in the path of Allaah until the Sword appears of al- Messihih ad-Dajjaal descending down from the sky.
The Raafidah say: There is no Jihad in the path of Allaah until the #Mahdi appears and calls to #Jihad from the sky.
... The Jews Delay their Prayer up until the stars of the night appear.
and the Raafidah would delay their #Maghrib #Prayer up until the stars appeared.
The #ProphetMuhammad ('Alayhi salat wa salam) said, " My Nation will remain upon good, as long as they do not delay Maghrib...3
Read 14 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
1 - (7 May 2009) Renowned #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman & Kamran Khan jointly condemn #Talibans for #Terrorism in #Pakistan

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
2 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman says that #Talibans are Kharijite Terrorist & should be crucified

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
3 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman condemns those Islamic Scholars who support #Talibans Un-Islamic #Terrorism

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
Read 8 tweets
Aug 26th 2021
امت مسلمہ میں بالخصوص پاکستانیوں میں اس وقت خوشی کی لہر دوڑ گئی جب نیوزی لینڈ کی “کافر” وزیراعظم نے صحیح بخاری و مسلم سے ایک حدیث (حوالہ نمبر ۳) دہرائی مگر پاکستانی مسلمان #طالبان کی حمایت کرتے ہوئے #افغانستان پر ساری حدیثیں بھول جاتے ہیں صرف “ہواؤ نفس” کی پیروی کرتے ہیں Image
When the Non-Muslim Prime Minister of New Zealand recited Traditions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) from Bukhari & Muslim (ref no 3) , the whole Muslim Ummah praised her but these very Traditions are conveniently ignored by Pakistani Muslims when they support Kharijites
#Talibans Image
۱ - (۲۱ اپریل ۲۰۱۱) انصار عباسی ، کامران خان اور امجد شعیب کے نزدیک #طالبان کی فتح حق کی فتح ہے ! تو پھر یہ کیا ہے ؟ دیکھیں

حوالہ :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAirport
Read 19 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
۱ - وہ تمام مسلمان خواتین و حضرات بالخصوص پاکستانی جو امریکہ و یورپ میں رہ رہے ہیں اور #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں چاہئیے کہ #اسلامی #افغانستان چلے جائیں | کافر ملکوں میں مسلمان کا رہنا حرام ہے

سلسلہ احادیث صحیحہ جلد اوّل ص ۲۰۰ تا ۲۰۹ |

#Afghanistan #Talibans
۲ - وہ تمام مسلمان خواتین و حضرات بالخصوص پاکستانی جو امریکہ و یورپ میں رہ رہے ہیں اور #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں چاہئیے کہ #اسلامی #افغانستان چلے جائیں | کافر ملکوں میں مسلمان کا رہنا حرام ہے

سلسلہ احادیث صحیحہ جلد اوّل ص ۲۰۰ تا ۲۰۹ |

#Afghanistan #Talibans
۳ - وہ تمام مسلمان خواتین و حضرات بالخصوص پاکستانی جو امریکہ و یورپ میں رہ رہے ہیں اور #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں چاہئیے کہ #اسلامی #افغانستان چلے جائیں | کافر ملکوں میں مسلمان کا رہنا حرام ہے

سلسلہ احادیث صحیحہ جلد اوّل ص ۲۰۰ تا ۲۰۹ |

#Afghanistan #Talibans
Read 47 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
۱ - نائن الیون ۹۱۱ سے پہلے مارچ ۲۰۰۱ میں امریکہ میں #طالبان کے ترجمان سید رحمت اللہ ہاشمی نے #اسامہ_بن_لادن کے لیئے کیا فرمایا خود سن لیں مجھ میں بتانے کی تاب نہیں

حوالہ :

#Afghanistan #Taliban #TTP #AlQaeda #Daish #ETIM #USA #PakistanZindabad #FATF
۲ - نائن الیون ۹۱۱ سے پہلے مارچ ۲۰۰۱ میں امریکہ میں #طالبان کے ترجمان سید رحمت اللہ ہاشمی نے #افغانستان میں #عورتوں #خواتین کو مکمل آزاد بتایا حقوق سے لبریز

#Afghanistan #Taliban #TTP #AlQaeda #Daish #ETIM #USA #PakistanZindabad #FATF #Women #MeToo
To #Afghans with nowhere to go Doha talks as “selling us out ... that was ‘let us go out, let the elite and the posh people get out, let us sell the people of #Afghanistan the civilians of Afghanistan’ … for us there is no way out”. ( by @abbasnasir59 )
Read 25 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
US Hypocrisy knows no bound (2021) 👉 US in talks with Pakistan over 'terrorist safe havens' along Afghan border: Pentagon (Dawn 10 Aug 2011) In 1980 Zbigniew Brzezinski preached Jihad to #Afghan Terrorists


#SanctionPakistan #BlameGameOnPakistan
How the Americans particularly Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan Destroyed 3 generations of Peaceful & Civilised #Afghanistan & #Pakistan

Ref :

#TTP #China #ETIM #AlQaeda
#CPEC #OBOR #DasuDam #FATA #FATF #BlameGameOnPakistan #Taliban #SanctionPakistan
Pakistan Human Rights Minister Ms Shireen Mazari lumps Secular #Pashtun Nationalists with #Taliban & falsely declares every #Pashtun a Sunni Extremist

#TTP #China #ETIM #AlQaeda
#CPEC #OBOR #DasuDam #FATA #FATF #BlameGameOnPakistan #SanctionPakistan
Read 21 tweets

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