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Thread by @MitchellCocaine: "DOPPLEGANGER ALERT Is it just me or does Italian Comedian Matteo Lane look EXACTLY like left wing conspiracy theorist Kyle Griffin, producer […]" #WednesdayThoughts

, 6 tweets, 3 min read

Is it just me or does Italian Comedian Matteo Lane look EXACTLY like left wing conspiracy theorist Kyle Griffin, producer of MSNBC's show "The Last Word"?

A reminder of Kyle's widespread lies

1) Kyle posted a man was arrested while bringing his pregnant wife to the hospital ONLY because he illegally entered our country.

It turned out he was wanted for MURDER in Mexico.
2) Kyle posted (then deleted) debunked story that Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley spent $52,000 lavish bill on curtains for her office.

Turned out expenditure was approved during predecessor Susan Rice's tenure.
3) Kyle spread a conspiracy theory that received 10,000s RTs before he deleted that stated a 17 year old had hacked the US election system in less than 10 minutes.

The article was debunked by ProPublica
4) Kyle misleads his followers to believe GOP's message of celebration for Christmas is ACTUALLY saying we have a new King Trump, but it really means new King JESUS.

I can see this confusing heathens like Kyle Griffin.
Notice this lie has not been deleted nor has it been corrected DESPITE his own network providing the update that the man was wanted for murder.
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