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Thread by @LunarArchivist: "While it's still in its early planning stages, my proposal for "Operation Canadian BaCon II" is ready. Read more about it here: […]" #GamerGate #ComicsGate #NotYourShield #OperationCanadianBacon

21 tweets, 17 min read
While it's still in its early planning stages, my proposal for "Operation Canadian BaCon II" is ready. Read more about it here:…
The CBC Boss Battle is coming in the Summer of 2019. Be prepared! :)
#GamerGate #ComicsGate #NotYourShield
The alpha version of the CBC #GamerGate Archive has now been assembled. It contains audio, video, articles, screen captures, and related documents covering 97% of all known material from Canada's national broadcaster referring to us and weighs in at around 4.6 GB. 1/2
Some tentative statistics (covering all CBC media):
- Hit pieces or significant mentions: 29
- Gamedrops: 10
- Ombudsman reviews: 8
- Related incidents: 3
- Trivial mentions: 4
- Missing hit pieces with no known archives: 2
More material will be slowly added. #GamerGate 2/2
Some more statistics courtesy of the CBC:
- Number of Brianna Wu interviews: 4
- Number of Anita Sarkeesian interviews: 3
- Number of Zoe Quinn interviews: 1
- Number of Ashley Lynch interviews: 1
- Number of Felicia Day interviews: 1
Poor neglected @GMShivers. ;_; #GamerGate :(
The reward for widest reaching anti-#GamerGate CBC smear artist goes to pop culture analyst @KimLinekin, who did three hit pieces on us and @AdamBaldwin (for CBC Yukon, CBC British Columbia, and CBC Ottawa) ALL ON THE SAME DAY (October 17, 2014).…
Quick update: I've recently started creating transcripts for the CBC's audio and video segments for #GamerGate supporters to use to make searching and quoting things easier for #OperationCanadianBacon II. Once I finish compiling existing stuff, I may recruit some help. :) 1/2
It should also help make things more inclusive for any hard-of-hearing or deaf supporters we have, such as @Ryona_Violet, who might otherwise not be able to take full advantage of our extensive non-text archived resources due to a lack of closed captions or subtitles. ^_^; 2/2
Though, good lord, some of the smug, arrogant shit and bald-faced lies that I'm being forced to type out writing these transcripts makes me want to punch these people in the face. #GamerGate
For everyone on Reddit/Twitter who're not Canadians and want to help with #OperationCanadianBacon II, we can always use help with archiving, researching, and digging. The above hit piece has questionable claims about BioWare and "Civilization" that need fact checking. #GamerGate
Hey Canada, here're your tax dollars at work, courtesy of the @CBC. @AdamBaldwin, @draginol, and @grummz take note. Maybe @AlecBaldwin as well.
And, yes, @Ryona_Violet, they actually PAY some adults to act this juvenile. #GamerGate
I'm not sure what's more amusing here: Kishonna Gray assigning a deeper meaning to what is essentially exploiting a game mechanic in "Grand Theft Auto V" or watching CBC radio documentary producer Nicola Luksic's head asplode in slow motion trying to make sense of it. #GamerGate
You know, repeating buzzwords like "rape culture" over and over doesn't automatically make your argument more coherent.
Also, is it just me, or does using the word "body"/"bodies" as synonyms for "person"/"people" sound WAY more dehumanzing than anything else? o_O
This is going to be the most white knight-like thing I'm ever going to say, but I'M genuinely offended for female gamers here, because statements like this by an academic REALLY make them look bad. Any thoughts on this, ladies? @Mombot? @ZetsubouNigga? #GamerGate #NotYourShield
The first two options are the ones most people choose, regardless of race or gender. But the third one...punishing ALL gamers in general for the behavior of a few douchebags just to make themselves feel better? This is how bad female gamer stereotypes are created. #GamerGate
So some idiot in "WoW" succeeds in driving you off, but your OCD when it comes to screenshotting stuff that triggers you leaves you with a permanent souvenir of it. Oy.
@Grummz, you haven't worked for @Blizzard_Ent for a while, but wouldn't the mods crack down on this? #GamerGate
The next time someone claims that "SJWs aren't trying to destroy games/gaming culture", remember this. They clearly want to raze existing gaming culture (which evolved naturally) to the ground and replace it with an artificial construct that better suits their needs. #GamerGate
Yeah...I think I can safely that the vast majority of straight male gamers have no problem with the idea of more female gamers. They'd probably be quite enthusiastic about it. They do, however, have problems with ideologues, agenda pushers, and troublemakers. Like you. #GamerGate
.@Brad_Glasgow @draginol @stillgray @mombot @GamingAndPandas @WilliamUsherGB You know, I think that if there's ever a contest to find the most disingenuous and dishonest description of #GamerGate, the award would go to @_TomHowell and @NicolaLuksic here. So many lies of omission.
This ridiculousness about accusing everyone you don't like as being part of the alt-right ends until someone starts filing lawsuits for libel/slander/defamation. I kinda wish @BreitbartNews or Stephen Bannon would sue Anita Sarkeesian's ass off. Would be fun to watch. #GamerGate
Speaking of Anita Sarkeesian, based on these comments, I'm still trying to figure out if she was one of those mean bitches who picked on nerds and geeks in high school or a spoiled brat who was kicked out of playgroups in kindergarten for being an insufferable wretch. #GamerGate
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