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Thread by @MitchellCocaine: "Elizabeth Warren has released her DNA test, 'proving' her Native ancestry, from 10 generations ago Math: 3 kids/gen 1st gen: 3 2nd gen: 9 3r […]"

, 3 tweets, 1 min read
Elizabeth Warren has released her DNA test, 'proving' her Native ancestry, from 10 generations ago

Math: 3 kids/gen
1st gen: 3
2nd gen: 9
3rd gen: 27
4th gen: 81
5th gen: 243
6th gen: 729
7th gen: 2,187
8th gen: 6,561
9th gen: 59,049
10th gen: 177,147

1/177,147 = 0.00000564503%
Some followers and other Twitter accounts are saying she may be representing as latino / hispanic.

How long before we get Elizabeto Warren?
I've been informed my math is off and its 2 ^ 10 = 1,024

1st gen: 2
2nd gen: 4
3rd gen: 8
4th gen: 16
5th gen: 32
6th gen: 64
7th gen: 128
8th gen: 256
9th gen: 512
10th gen: 1,024

1 / 1,024 = 0.0009765625%

Either way, my point is still the same ;)
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