-Binge eaters
Breakups produce:
-Amazing physiques
-Thick skin
Choose your path wisely.
Yes it is.
Most people reach path 2 after spending some time in path 1.
'Interesting. But why?'
Because you are human & need some time to process.
Let me explain a little further 👇👇
'Okay sure, that's the boat I'm in now.'
So immediately after the breakup, you will be out of it.
You probably saw it coming OR you had no clue at all.
Regardless, you will be feeling very sad.
Some people want to immediately go back to work & act like it never happened, but that's a little risky.
'Why risky?'
Because an emotion you try to bury may appear in another facet of your life.
I got one..
What will happen is that you may find yourself being more moody.
Small errors that you make & others make will frustrate you more.
In the EQ world this is called an 'emotional spillover.'
I recommend just taking a lil time to yourself.
'Can I throw myself a pity party?'
The logical thing for me to say is no.
But I've been studying emotional intelligence for some time.
The emotional side to me will say yes.
But there's a catch.
Take some time completely for yourself.
But this should only be a few days to a week.
The reason you are doing this step is so you are in the mental & emotional space for my next advice.
You need to reinvent yourself.
At this point you have a lot of internal emotions.
That is all energy that needs to be channeled correctly towards something.
You have 2 options.
Option 2: channel those emotions to building a side business, your dream body & toughen your skin.
Just 2 options champ.
Just understand your choice will absolutely impact your future.
Not kidding.
I've seen tons of people take option 1.
They allowed their life to go on a downward spiral.
You know what's sad?
Eventually they realize the error in their ways. But it's always very late in the game.
At this point they just play 'catch up' in life.
You can choose option 2 & do the exact opposite.
A breakup is one of the greatest vehicles for growth there is.
I guarantee if you ask a lot of legends what sparked their journey, they will say a break up.
Ya, really.
You channel your energy fam.
I am going to give you my Holy trinity formula.
This formula helped me out a lot & I'm sure it will help you out.
I've posted about it before, but it's called the 3 golden hobbies.
1 hobby to make you money.
1 hobby to keep you creative.
'What were yours?'
Shape: I worked out & played basketball.
Money: Started an ecom business.
Creative: fine tuned my storytelling & drawing skills.
'Wow! That's the Holy Trinity huh!'
If you want to pick option 2, this will be a nice framework to get you started.
So choose what appeals to you & go all in.
And remember, just focus on making small progress every day.
Within 4-6 months you will become a completely different person.
You are now wayy ahead of other people.
You've invested so much time into yourself that you feel more confident & unstoppable than ever.
That's power.
Because remember.
Consistent effort does not lead you to linear progress.
Consistent effort leads you to EXPONENTIAL progress.
You literally transform into a grander version of yourself.
Remember, a heartbreak is in some ways a right of passage into adulthood.
Within a few months your lowkey going to be happy you went thru this moment.
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