Answer: NOTHING. The war wasn't about freedom. It was more about ego and pride than rights and freedoms.
It lasted from August 1914 until November 1918. 40 MILLION people died. 8 million civilians, 6 million of those from famine and disease.
Again, over pride and ego.
Yeah, it was. But Germany was a standard-for-the-time monarchy. The royals were all cousins, most of them closely related to the recently deceased Queen Victoria.
All these royal cousins and their nobles were literally heated over having their honour besmirched and like "HOW DARE HE NOT RESPOND IN A TIMELY MANNER" in August in Europe.
40 million people died
Except this wasn't the wars of the 19th century. There were all kinds of new technologies to kill and maim people.
This was not that kind of war. The men on the fronts knew this pretty fast. The people in charge, not so much.
WWI is a great case study of toxic masculinity. You have to go throw yourself in front of a tank OR send millions of young men to throw themselves in front of tanks because you're a MAN!
That's WWI.
"The Sinister Spirit sneered: 'It had to be!'
"And again the Spirit of Pity whispered, 'Why?'"……