👉Combatting climate change bu raising auto efficiency standards
👉Tax incentives for clean energy development
👉Largest expanse of college aid in 6 decades
👉New GI Bill
👉Economic Rescue for main street businesses after 2008 collapse
👉Ended coverage discrimination for patients with mental illness
👉Creation of an independent outside ethics panel, and lobbying reform
The following accomplishments were vetoed by Pres Bush:
👉Children’s health insurance for 10 million children
👉Economic recovery and stimulus focusing on jobs and infrastructure
👉Expansion of stem-cell research
👉Giving Medicare the authority to negotiate for lower drug prices
👉Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
👉Curbing excessive oil speculation and drilling
👉Employee Free Choice Act
Her list of legislative accomplishments are unparalleled, as is her leadership.
She will take the gavel, & she will continue her work, fighting the #CultureOfCorruption and holding this administration accountable.