1. It's ok to write, it's ok not to write.
2. When actively drafting a project I'll try to write 3 sentences a day on most days. Any day when this happens is a win
3. Bribe myself to write if necessary
4. Remember that the adjustment variable is my health
6. Try not to postpone the writing to the end of the evening because I will have no energy left then.
7. Sometimes stuff just happens and there's no writing: it's ok.
8. Balls will be dropped. My job is making sure they're not spiky ones
10. Think of time as a sparse resource. In particular, things that save time are sometimes worth shelling out for.
12. Remember there's joy in writing
(that last one is HARD AS NAILS)
(dragon art: @likhain
cover: @KelseyLegit @merumorimaru @charibdys)