She's the US Ambassador to Congressional Democrats (and the ever-decreasing Congressional Never Trump caucus.)
Because these groups are out of touch with the USA in 2018.
But it got me thinking about the differences between the sterotypical red state and blue state "mind."
My red state mind didn't read this in the way the blue state mind would.
Mocking veganism, esp where it's hypocritical, is a fun pastime for many on the right wing.
One of the best examples is Michelle Obama interfering in the nation's school lunch decisions, which must be made at a local level. She then gained weight herself.
That the Obamas failed to appreciate the effect this small decision would have on voters, tells you a lot about them.
If she were a strong conservative like Don Jr & Eric, she wouldn't have advertised this domestic vignette.
They've become so out of touch with what @KurtSchlichter rightly deemed #MilitantNormals, (buy the book) they might as well be a foreign country. #caring