let's start gentle: this map is actually a really good explanation of 1) how fucking big the lower 48 are and 2) why so few people in the US become fluent in a second language

And yet, the Mercator is so bloody prevalent.
I got news for you. It's a fucking globe.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who's dropped in on or RTed this thread. I hope you've found it enlightening.
Taken from native-land.ca

Colonizers (and that includes my ancestors) tried to destroy this.
Destroy language and you destroy a huge amount of what makes a people. So much has been lost -- deliberately, aggressively.
First of all, I owe an apology to Indigenous people for the disservice I did in this thread: I'm sorry. I made it sound like all those languages were gone. They're not; many tribes were able to keep their languages