1) Demonstrate leadership experience in your current or previous employment.
2) Have a 3-up working experience. Volunteer and personal development is considered.
3) Have a masters degree program admission in Sweden by April 4, 2019.
1) Fill in and submit the SISGP motivation letter form 2019/2020. The form will be available in the scholarship website in Jan 2019.
2) Use the SISGP template for Curriculum Vitae. Form to be available in Jan 2019
4) A copy of your passport showing full name, citizenship and clear photograph.
5)Complete SISGP reference form and submit 2 ref.
First apply for a Master's degree program at between 16 Oct 2018- 15th January, 2019. Please start applying this minute you only have a month left.
Secondly, apply for Swedish Institute scholarships btw 4th to 14th 2019. Same website 👆