As A Serial Coupist:
His journey to military incursion in politics in Nigeria started on 28th July 1966 when he actively participated in a counter- bloody coup that got the then Head of State 👇
Apart from his active participation in the bloody counter coup of 28th July 1966, 👇
Having also participated in foiling the failed bloody coup of February 13, 1976 that got then 👇
Prior to his 31st December 1983 main military coup, Retired Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari was the General Officer Commanding, 4th Infantry Division of the Nigerian Army 👇
Several anti democracy, human rights and press military laws or decrees were hurriedly enacted with stiff sanction provisions through Special Military Tribunals. The two most notorious of such military👇
The Decree No 2 of 1984 suspended the constitutional freedoms or
Another most heinous of over twenty harsh and regime atrocious decrees of the Buhari’s military era was
Section 1, sub-sections (i), (ii) and (iii) of the obnoxious law - the most harmful section - provided that: Any person who publishes in any form, whether written or otherwise,
As a result of these, the then National Security Organization (NSO), the Nigeria Police Force and other members of the Nigerian Armed Forces became an outlaw and untouchable. By the end of 1984, over 500 political detainees and several human rights and👇
The most dreaded armed unit of the Buhari’s security establishment used in perpetrating the regime atrocities under reference was the National Security 👇

The Buhari’s atrocious military regime was ousted in a palace military coup of
The present civilian administration of Retired Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari is substantially, if not totally a replica of his military’s inglorious epoch. The advancements and gains recorded by Nigeria as a 👇
But the situation got compounded or out of hand in the present Buhari Administration, to the extent that Nigeria’s human 👇