Watch this space (I'll aim for 1pm)
Eyes down and I'll find a clue to start us off
1 across: Dope saps energy from inspirational lady (6 - but only 4 squares/elements!)
An inspirational lady is a heroine, which if you take off the E ('sap' the 'energy'), gives you a drug or dope.
I found while doing this that the E's are crucial. So for this one, while you could have He, that leaves the R stranded, so it must be H | Er. Only two more spaces means OIN must be O | In. So it's
H | Er | O | In
Back in a few mins
Anagram of 'what Creole rascal' ('converted') who is a 'polymer pioneer'.
So how do we fit that in 10 squares? Actually not all that ambiguous...
W | Al | La | Ce || C | Ar | O | Th | Er | S
No other way I can see to do WALLACE either.
68 Across: Supports corporal punishment or just a case of computer typography? (9 - but 7 squares)
A bit groan-worthy, I'll admit
I suppose a backslash is more common in computer typography than normal typography (?) and if one supports corporal punishment, one 'backs [the] lash'.
Groan, as I said.
I guess we'll need to do the clue that ends in the 2nd square!
47 Down: Mixed up, copies escort seeing double (12 letter, but 10 elements/squares)
Anagram ('mixed up') of 'copies escort', gives word that means 'seeing double'.
So how do we spell it with elements?
S | Te | Re | O | S | C | O | P | I | C
[shame as there would have been fun with O/Os/S/Sc/C/Co/O etc]
What does that mean for 68 across??
Ba | C | K | S | La | S | H
And that's the joy of it, eh? (Thank god we didn't have to solve another one to solve 47 down)
I think that concludes the CrOsSWORd* solving for 2018! Join me in January, if I get the time.