”Turkey believes journalist murdered at Saudi consulate ...” via Irish Times Cooy-Pasted From US mega outlets

The link between 3 figures behind the Jamal Khashoggi mystery english.alarabiya.net/en/News/world/…

Juggling two cases simultaneously: #Khashoggi & Outing #NBC operative reporting on #Khashoggi. To top that:seeing the INSANE partisan circus show, attacks on #Trump in #Khashoggi case. Political Theater-Circus. Stay tuned @sibeledmonds.GoodNight & GoodLuck.

1- Contrary to What Has Been Claimed #Khashoggi Did NOT Go to #Saudi Consulate in #Istanbul #Turkey Due to #Saudi D.C. Embassy Not Being Able to Process His #Divorce Papers.
2- #Khashoggi #Fiancé status as ‘Fiancé’ will become one of those ‘never truly established’ cases, and then fudged.
3- #Khashoggi #SmartWatch Recording Claims by #MSM will be Debunked conclusively without #MSM ever providing the “origin” for this baseless claim.
4- The So-Called Coming Report from #Saudi Gov on #Khashoggi murdered during Torture & interrogation gone wrong, cooked up by #CNN & #Aljazeera will be Debunked soon.This won’t be in Report
1- #MSM Reports on footage & identity of Saw-Carrying #Saudi Hitmen employed by #MBS Intel: Completely False. It will be Debunked. Again,#MSM will never provide ‘origin’.

“It says the body was then covered in a rug and delivered to, handed over to a “Local Collaborator”- And no other details.”

“Khashoggi wasn't just an op-ed writer - he was a political operative with ties to, among others, Bin Laden and Saudi princes opposed to #MBS.”